The Times Argus from Barre, Vermont (2024)

1 as CO THE YIMES-ARGUS. BARRE-MONTPELIER. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 1968 Vt. Conference Ministers Convocation Opens Tuesday In Stowe STOWE More than 100 minIsters of the Vermont Confer. ence, United Church of Christ, will meet here for their 52nd annual convocation, Sept.

10-12. Keynoting the session will be the Rev. W. Harper Welch, pastor of the State Street Congregational United Church of Christ, Portland, Maine. He will deliver a series of sermons from the pulpit of the Stowe Community Church.

His topics will include "When God Says No," "The Burden of the Free Man," and "Broken World, Broken Bread." The Rev. Mr. Welch is well known to Vermont clergymen, having served as pastor of the GRAND UNION SUPERMARKETS, BLADE LAMB Bethany Congregational United Church of Christ, Montpelier, from 1953-1961. The Rev. Robert E.

Neale, assistant professor in psychiatry and religion at Union Theological Seminary, New York, returns for a second year to address the convocation. He will present the topic, "Play and Paradise: On Religion as in four lectures at the Mountaineer Motor Inn. These four will be "Play and Work," "Play Religion," "Play and Myth," and "Play and Ritual." Rev. Mr. Neale has pioneered in developing a theological approach to the subject of play.

He is a graduate of Amherst College and was pastor of the Federated Church in East Arlington, 1954-57. Lecturing on "Biblical Theology in the Context of the Canon" will be Professor Brevard S. Childs of Yale University. In four sessions he will discuss "What is the Place of Biblical Theology in the Contemporary Theological Scene?" "Who are the People of God?" "How Useful is the Distinction between Law and Gospel?" and "What is the Content of the Christian Faith." Prof. Childs holds a doctorate from the University of Basel, Switzerland, and did research under a Guggenheim SACKS ty, Fellowship Rev.

Jerusalem, W. at in Harper Hebrew 1963. Welch UniversiA part of the program will feature a special first hand report on the World Council of Churches Assembly recently OF SAVINGS by pastor concluded the of Rev. at R. Immanuel Uppsala, L.

Edwards, Church, Sweden, Hartford, Conn. Members of convocation comGenuine Spring Earle mittee H. for 1968 Ballou are of the Chester, Rev. chairman, the Rev. Catherine LAMB Philip The Chiffelle E.

Rev. of Anderson Rupert, Richard of and S. the Pryce Newbury. Rev. is a pastor of the Stowe CommuniCUT SHOULDER ty four Church worship which services will for host the the ministers.

CHOPS al 1s cal a The and Christian union United of Reformed and the Church the of Churches, Congregation- Evangeli- Christ IN GROWN U.S.A. lb. CHUCK STEAK lb. RIB LAMB CHOPS lb. LAMB FORES lb.


NE RESERVE TOE PICOT TO LINT ROT PION PONCAL PRICES AND OFFERS EFFECTIVE TORO WED, SEPT. 11 Elmore WANT Lamoille County Clerk WORK EVERYWHE Rudolph D. Smith Dies ELMORE-Rudolph D. Smith, 57, Lamoille County Clerk for about four years, died of a heart attack Sunday morning in Copley Hospital, Morrisville. He was born Oct.

23, 1910, in Wolcott, the son of Harry and Irene (Powell) Smith. He attended the Elmore school and was graduated from Peoples Academy in 1928. He married Louise Allen on April 17, 1938, in Montpelier. Mr. Smith was active in the Masonic orders and was master of Mineral Lodge 93, of Wolcott and past district deputy grandmaster of the 13th Masonic District.

He a member of Tucker Chapter 15, RAM; Barre was, Council 22, RSM; Mount Zion Commandery, KT; and was past commander of Lamoille Commandery, 13, KT; past, grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Vermont, and member of Mount Sinai Temple 3, AAONMS of Montpelier. Active in Boy Scout work for many years, he was vice president of the Long Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America, and a member of the Order of the Arrow, BSA. He was moderator for the Town of Elmore for 23 years; secretary and treasurer of the Elmore Cemetery Association, and a member and trustee of the Elmore Methodist Church. Survived are widow; his mother, Mrs. Irene Bacon of Phoenix, a daughter, Mrs.

James (Deanna) Palmer of Morrisville; a son, David, of ELmore; a sister. Mrs. Dora Tupper of Burlington; two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Visiting hours at the White Chapel on Brooklyn Street, Morrisville, are Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. A Masonic service will be conducted by Mineral Lodge at 8:30.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at-2 p.m. in Puffer Methodist Church, Morrisville. The Rev. W. J.

Fillier will officiate. Burial will be in the Lake Elmore Cemetery. In lieu of flow. ers, the family has requested that contributions be made to the Elmore Church Building Fund. New Gift Shop In Morrisville Under Ownership Of J.

Grants MORRISVILLE A new gift shop called "'The Hub" had its grand opening Sept. 1, It is located in the former Paine's Restaurant on Route 15 and 100, Morrisville and building, Hyde Park. The new business is owned by Mr. and Mrs. James Grant of Hyde Park.

Many gifts, made in Vermont, are found here: From Morrisville, Paddle Pops made by Wells Woodard honey produced by Donald Allaire of Hyde Park: Stoware products made in Stowe: Bennington Pottery, wood products from Kennedy Brothers; cosmetic soap made in Waterford; weatherboard picture frames made in Hardwick; jewelry made by Irene Ruhe Montpelier and paintings done by local artists. Other gifts are from India, Greece and Pakistan, such handmade bags, bedspreads, ta. blecloths, etc. Several calf and sheepskins from Austria are displayed. Besides the main room full of there is a wing formerly the Wheel Room which has wheels that holida sweaters, skirts and tune tienecks, They also have wool yard goods, The former restaurant has completely redecorated, most of it done by the Grant family.

Weatherboard deck en same of the walls while others decorated with colonial style and matching drapes color in both the being barm red Closet boxes af entrance large doors been added, A be placed in the of For a few weeks helped and decorating but left College de Saratoe We urge you to overlook this new Victor register. Victor's new Series 45 is built low. So your clerk or checker, she's a Sure footer, can watch your customers. And en peer their ITs priced low, toe. is hard to believe when you No Erodine at ait.

Pep it is cartridge style, like (amera. tearing off the The Wir for 45 Client can lock and kotel. by key. And the master tape is locked in fight. So out 45 net only makes everybody it Heine to guarantee nobody's el af the end of the AL-ANS INC.

115 N. MAIN ST. BARRE Tall To Place a Fast Action Times-Argus Classified Ad476-6611 223-3191 DISCOUNT FOR CASH WITH ORDER Words Day Days Days 1.00 1.80 2.80 11 1 1.10 1.98 3.08 1.20 2.16 3.36 1.30 2.34 3.64 14 1.40 2.52 3.92 15 1.50 2.70 4.20 16 1.60 2.88 17 1.70 3.06 4.76 1.80 3.24 5.04 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY (One Inch Minimum) One day Two thru 5 days Six or more days Skip day ads take the one day rate CHECK YOUR ADVERTIsem*nT THE FIRST DAY Errors made by The Times-Argus to the composition of an advertisem*nt will be adjusted provided notice of the error is received by The Times-Argus in time for the second insertion. Otherwise no repetition of publication or adJustment for the error shall be allowed. 6-Female Help Wanted HOUSEWIVES Why work all sear.

few evenings weekly now to Xmas via Mutual Toy Parties can mean big money, No vestment. Car necessary, Call Randolph 728-5475. 125t NEEDED NOW Women with ambition to earn money. Good income, part or full time, Write Avon Mrs. E.

Fontaine, Box 366, Hardwick, or call 476-3113. 14812 VERMONT TECHNICAL COLLEGE Randalpe Center. Vermont, seeking a private secretary for administrative attice. position requires ty piss. filing.

reseral offee conditions. pay and fringe Contact E. M. Prestice, masafer, NO 2 147 WAITRESS WANTED espertence Peres. Coffee Motor 1 DAY WAITRESS apply Per Green 16 RELIABLE WOMAN WANTED five is alar 8150 collect WANTED 50 Alan past APPlY a perms co*ckTAIL 245 Twin City Lanes.

TOY DEMONSTRATORS Party No Cat or Fuses. Cana. Matarara ADT at 6-Female Help Wanted PORTION FU a 4 OR ga Springs on Sunday. The Grants have two other children: Lt. James Jr.

in the Air Force, He and his wife and daughter, Heather, are stationed in California. A son, Jeff, is in the fifth grade at the Hyde Park Elementary School. Mrs. Grant (Betty) Ls registrar at the probate court in Hyde Park. Grant is master sergeant in the Air Force and is stationed in Ohio.

He has been in the Air Force nearly 20 years. For the past two weeks he has been on leave. The gift shop will be open seve en days a week, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and until 9 p.m, on Fridays, It will be operated by the Grant family and Stra.

George Goodrich of Morrisville will be a regular clerk. West Fairlee The Beanville Road has been blacktopped. The rummage sale, held Aug. 29 in the village hail and food sale in the library, were very successful. A bag sale was also held Sept.

4 to benefit the Sues. day school, Cabot Everett Ver gentes was a weekend caller of Str. and Mrs. Sprague. College student exodus eluded Sties Gwen Thereien, Miss Stephanie Bolton, Jeffrey Bolton and Frank Persona who registered at the of Burlington, week; Persons at Landon State College: Marie Menard a Johnson State College.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul of were weekend of Her parents, Mite Mire. Bolton. FoR Babasian and daughter, Carol, and friend home after weekend at their in Cabot.

SEW. AND GO. SPUR SINCE herero 31010 Smusth in forward and reverse. Sews ail type of sheers to builky weslene. Ask about our credit designed to ft your Where SINGER 190 N.

Male, Bette, Fie Tali. sill other Singer of entente 7-Male Help Wanted BARTENDER FULL TIME write short resume to Box EPC, Times-Argus, Barre. Replies confidential. BOY MUST BE 16, night work. Apply Del's Pizza Shop.

14814 MARKER CUTTER wanted. Apply in person Columbo Granite Barre. 148tf MALE ATTENDANT for Snack Bar, Goddard College. Night work, 7:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m Contact Director of Food Services. 454-8362 ext.

218. 148t3 CARPENTERS WANTED $3.25 per hour and up. Apply to and Construction Co. Madonna Village, Jeffersonville, Vt. 147t7 38 Elm, Montpelier.

14713 CAB DRIVERS apply Peoples Cabs SERVICE STATION Attendant, also man for part-time 5-10 p.m. Apply in person Harold's Service Station, Montpelier. 14617 TIMES-ARGUS ROUTE AVAILABLE IN WARREN, VT. 50 CUSTOMERS WRITE MR. DARREL MAURAIS TIMES-ARGUS, BARRE, VT.

147t A TIMES-ARGUS ROUTE AVAILABLE We have several routes open in Barre City. Must be 12 yrs. old. Apply to Mr. Maurais, Times-Argus, Barre, Vt.

147tf HELP. WANTED Mine and Mill workers wanted immediately. Will train. Hourly rate, excellent fringe benefits Call Johnson, Eastern Vermont. Magnesia Tale Company, 635-2321.

An equal opportunity employer. FURNITURE DELIVERY AND WARE HOUSE STOCKMAN all fits. Apply in person. Lash Furniture, 14 N. Main, Barre.

143t DEPENDABLE MARRIED MAN with small family for general farm work. Trailer, electricity, water furn. Ished, good wages 485-9911 days or 485-4441 nights 143t WIRE TWISTING machine tor. Apply in person. Dessureau Ma.

chines, 53 Granite 476-4561. 1410 More Food For Biafra GENEVA (AP) Six more International Red Cross flights got through with food for starve ing Biafrans during the night, but Red Cross sources say there is no hope of starting the longawaited daylight operations before next week. Biafra and Nigeria still cannot agree which airport should be used for day flights, The Nigerians claim the Biafrans want one airstrip for arms supplica. The Nigerians reject the use of one other because they say neutralization of that strip would hamper their military operations, Friday night's flights Danish, two Finnish, one Note wegian, and one Swiss -took total of 47 tons of food medi. tale supplies together with 12 cal and technical personnel, A Red Cross Spokesman said night flights will be stepped up during the weekend.

LAUGH IT OFF WORK WITH TEACHERS Established association- sponsored ance croup needs young man to sell and service 2.000 teachers is central 854 southern Vermont. SALARY COMMISSION PROFIT SHARING GROUP INSURANCE, ETC. WRITE OR CALL HORACE MANN INS. CO. Montpelier, Vt.

Box 165 Tel. 223-5195 CONCRETE WORKERS wasted Learn trade. wages. Tlase and for Otter or Between 7 ASIDER fail employment. Apely in line and Restaurant, Barre Read.

TALI DRIVERS a Taels Baste BURNER SERVICEMAN WANTED So vapes and Fede chard CAB DRIVERS and Apply Central GaS Cam STEADY Ent Ta 8-Male or Female Help Wanted TO INCREASED PART 136 Main St. Rutland, Vermont DEFENG 1 PROOFREADERS Experienced preferred but Full or part Amie firer sh*t or second, overtime Sile High pale cond HiNE and Mottle or Chris Lam Personnel Manager CAPITAL CITY PRESS, EVO. Montpellier, 11. Equal HEAD START FIELD COORDINATOR Instruction Found 11 Livestock, Poultry 12 Ponies and Equipment Merchandise.

The Times Argus from Barre, Vermont (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.