Roy12 Mods (2025)

1. Roy12 Mods

  • Koikatu Mods

  • Erogame Mods

2. of /download/AISHS2/Sideloader Modpack - Exclusive HS2/Roy12

  • [roy12] Evelynn v1.0.zipmod, 2022-05-21 15:40, 67M. [ ] · [roy12] Honoka v1.1.zipmod, 2022-11-16 21:32, 39M. [ ] · [roy12] Kanna Chara Mod v1.2.zipmod, 2022-11- ...

3. Roy12mods | Roy12 Mods - Erogame Mods

4. Honey Select/Honey Select 2 Mod Sharing | F95zone

  • Jul 29, 2021 · MODS MASTER LIST (will be updated as new links get posted) ... ROY12's Mods: You must be registered to see the links. Sersen's Mods ...

  • Since the 73lac's thread turned into something else, let's try to see if we can keep the mod sharing a priority in this thread, with discussions and technical issues about the games being done somewhere else.

Honey Select/Honey Select 2 Mod Sharing | F95zone

5. 73lac7c's character mods | F95zone

  • Nov 3, 2019 · Hi everyone, I made a bunch of outfit (HS2) and wanted to share it. Mostly costume for DOA (Roy12 mod) and FF character.

  • Hi everyone, I made a bunch of outfit (HS2) and wanted to share it. Mostly costume for DOA (Roy12 mod) and FF character. I cant give the link since its my first message but you can find them on "Kenzato..../zettoc". It take days by outfit, lot of work like 4H-12H+ by outfit depending on the...

73lac7c's character mods | F95zone

6. of /download/AISHS2/Sideloader Modpack - Exclusive AIS/Roy12

  • [roy12] Hitomi v1.0.zipmod, 2022-11-16 21:26, 31M. [ ] · [roy12] Honoka.zipmod, 2022-11-16 21:26, 38M. [ ] · [roy12] Kanna Chara Mod v1.2.zipmod, 2022-11-16 21: ...

7. [Misc] - Roy12's DOA girls 4K remastering | Page 2 - Anime-Sharing

  • roy12 said: I've updated the files in my server to 1.3. Thanks again ... I don't like to re-releasing mods, so I guess I will release it when all ...

  • Why can not they change their lips color? Is this intended? Rachel can change, but Ayane, Mila, and Nyotengu can not change color at all.

[Misc] - Roy12's DOA girls 4K remastering | Page 2 - Anime-Sharing

8. [Supa][Roy12] All characters' hairs converted to wigs (head accessories)

  • May 2, 2017 · Q: Do you have permission to reposting Roy12's mods. A: I asked him on his Patreon explicitly about this. He replied he don't mind ...

  • [Supa][Hairs] Roy12's hairs2wigs v2.0 (update to Pai Chan) Greetings: Version 3.0: Made 3 gradient hairs at head accessories slot. Ivy from SoulCaliber, 2B from Nier, Motoko from Ghost in the Shell. All ported by roy12 sama. I added the gradient hair color just for fun. Colors can be changed...

[Supa][Roy12] All characters' hairs converted to wigs (head accessories)

9. "About UU-GG reposting" by roy12 from Patreon | Kemono

  • Dec 2, 2017 · But today, I got notified that an user, known as jack50025 in Anime-Sharing, reposted the Alice mod in UU-GG, going as far as to faking my ...

  • roy12

Roy12 Mods (2025)


Do you need REDmod for mods? ›

When do I need it? Unless the Nexus page explicitly tells you that it's REDmod only (or you are making a mod), assume that you don't. As of September 2024, the only thing we can't do without REDmod is adding new sounds (replacing existing sounds is fine).

Is mods curse safe? ›

As per post from CurseForge, they have already fully addressed the security incident, so it is now safe. They have cleaned the infected files and preventive measures are in place. They have also provided a tool to scan if you're infected. There are also alternative sites like<Removed by Moderator> to download mods.

Are pd2 mods safe? ›

Clientside (/mod_override) mods are generally safe to use in online play - they often have little (if any) impact on the experience of other users, and will be unnoticeable to other players.

What are requiem mods? ›

Requiem Mods are a special subset of Parazon Mods, each one an enigmatic phrase fragment of a complete Requiem Sequence, thus the only way to permanently sever a Kuva Lich or Sisters of Parvos's Immortality.

Is it legal to use mods? ›

Legal issues: Some mods may infringe on the game developer's intellectual property rights, such as by using copyrighted material without permission. This can result in legal action being taken against the modder or the modding community.

Does Vortex use REDmod? ›

As they deploy, you will see a screen pop up with a lot of code flowing by. Don't worry, this is just Vortex deploying your REDmods. Before you play your game, check the bell in the top right corner next to your profile picture.

Is NSFW allowed on CurseForge? ›

Any technical information belongs in the description or relevant file tagging. Avatars must not be solid colors, contain anything NSFW or copyrighted imagery.

Are mods illegal in Minecraft? ›

The mods, skins, builds, realms, packs, and other content you craft with Minecraft can be a great way to show off what's meaningful to you and to express your creativity. However, content that portrays hate or extreme bias or encourages illegal activity is not permitted.

Do mods carry viruses? ›

Minecraft mods can contain malware, as evidenced by the Fractureiser virus. It's best not to use them if you're concerned about internet security. If you do, run frequent scans with your antivirus software.

Are all mods on Nexusmods safe? ›

All content uploaded to Nexus Mods goes through multiple security checks and a virus scan process before being made available to download.

Are mods from Happymod safe? ›

Yes, Happymod is safe as the files in happymod are scanned with over 30 anti-virus and then its added to happymod. It has auto-virus checker so generally the files in happymod are safe to download.

Are mods safe for kids? ›

Minecraft mods are generally safe, but with every download or installation, there is some risk involved. Some unsafe mod red flags are mods with bad reviews, mods on untrustworthy websites, and mods with only a small amount of downloads. Also, before installing a mod make sure the it is age appropriate for your child!

What is a nightmare mod? ›

Nightmare Mode Mods (commonly called Nightmare Mods) are a class of rare dual-stat mods added in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13) along with Nightmare Mode. They can be acquired through completing missions in the Nightmare Mode. These mods are generally weaker than their single counterparts, but they can stack.

What is Kuva used for? ›

Kuva is a special resource that can be collected with the help of Operator Void abilities from Kuva Siphons, which appear on planets near the ever-moving Kuva Fortress. In addition to its use as a crafting material, Kuva is used to cycle Riven Mods.

Do Requiem mods break? ›

Each time a Mod is successfully used in a Requiem sequence to lethally defeat a Kuva Lich or Corpus Sister (in other words, a successful vanquish or convert), the Mods will increase in rank by 1 and be drained of one of their charges (thus losing one of the red dots on their icon), becoming powerless at rank 3 - i.e. ...

What is needed to run Minecraft mods? ›

The minimum system requirements for “vanilla” Minecraft* (that is, completely unmodded) is 4GB of RAM, but players who use mods routinely allocate 6GB or more to keep the game running properly. If you're planning on heavily modding Minecraft, 8GB of RAM is a good place to start, with more being better.

What Minecraft do I need to play with mods? ›

Most Minecraft servers run on the Java Edition of the game. Unfortunately, the Bedrock Edition doesn't support mods and only works with add-ons from the official Mojang Studios Minecraft Marketplace. Each mod will significantly increase server RAM usage, so make sure that your hardware is able to handle it.

Can you run mods without CurseForge? ›

Non-CurseForge Mods

You can manually install mods that aren't available in the CurseForge repository, and the app will still detect them.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.