Union Supply Ga Inmate Packages (2025)

1. Georgia Inmate Package

  • Rules and Regulations

  • Union Supply Direct, your exclusive care package provider at Muscogee County Prison. 50% off shipping on all internet orders over $100.

2. Union Supply Direct | Home

  • Contact Us · Shipping & Return Policy · FAQ's

  • Union Supply Direct provides family and friends a one stop shop for inmate packages!

3. Sending Packages to Offenders | Georgia Department of Corrections

Sending Packages to Offenders | Georgia Department of Corrections

4. [PDF] Send a Food Package to Your Loved One

  • The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) will allow Union Supply to receive orders for food item packages which will be delivered to inmates assigned to ...

5. Union Supply Direct - Tennessee Inmate Package - Home

  • Login · Contact Us · New Customer? Register Here! · Rules and Regulations

  • Shop here to order your Tennessee Inmate Packages!

6. Union Supply Direct - Ohio Inmate Package - Home

  • Union Supply Direct, your alternative to Access Securepak & Walkenhorst for inmate packages. Free items. ODRC's exclusive television provider. Order Today!

  • Union Supply Direct, your alternative to Access Securepak & Walkenhorst for inmate packages. Free items. ODRC’s exclusive television provider. Order Today!

7. Union Supply Direct - Washington Inmate Package - Home

  • Shop here to order your Washington Inmate Packages!

8. Contact Us - Union Supply Direct

  • We appreciate your business and hope to service you with your next inmate package. We have a courteous team of customer service representatives available from 6 ...

  • Have a question? We have a courteous team of customer service representatives ready to answer all questions and provide order status information.

9. Friends & Family UNION SUPPLY Direct

  • Union Supply Direct provides Family and Friends inmate package programs. Contact Us. Phone: 866-404-8989. Email: customerservice ...

  • Click a logo to learn more...

10. Products - Union Supply Group

  • ... Commissary Logo · Shoes, Clothing and Electronics. Personal Care. Food. Inmate Package ...

11. Union Supply Direct - New Customer Registration

  • Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky ... © 2024 www.californiainmatepackage.com | Privacy Notice | Terms of Use | Union Supply Group.

  • Union Supply Logo

12. Union Supply Direct - New York Inmate Package - Home

  • Union Supply Direct, your approved alternative to Access Securepak for inmate packages.

13. Access Securepak

  • Access Securepak® is a program designed to allow family members and friends to send packages to inmates. ... Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa ...

  • Access Securepak®

Union Supply Ga Inmate Packages (2025)


How do I order a care package for an inmate in Georgia? ›

You can place an order over the phone by calling: 1-562-361-5719, or call toll-free: 1-855-247-0563. Place a fax order using the number: 1-310-603-1188.

Can you send food packages to Georgia inmates? ›

Georgia Summer Food Package Program 2024

Order forms are available for download at www.gainmatepackage.com. The order form displays a complete list of items that have been pre-approved by the Georgia Department of Corrections for the offender to receive.

What is the phone number for the inmate package in Georgia? ›

A: You can find this information by two ways: you can e-mail us at customerservice@unionsupplydirect.com and we will reply to you via e-mail within 24 hours or you can call (562)361-5719 and speak to a customer service representative who will provide you with up to date information on your package.

How to put money on an inmate's commissary online in Georgia? ›

Send Money Online via JPay
  1. Send money using JPay by entering the Inmate ID.
  2. Already have a JPay account? You can send money online using your credit or debit card. Fees associated with the type of funds transfer are listed below.
  3. Download the JPay mobile app and send money anytime.

Is inmate care packages legit? ›

Pattern of Complaint:

BBB files contain a pattern of complaints from consumers that allege issues with delivery and customer service. Specifically, consumers allege orders not received after payment. Consumers further allege that the business fails to respond to complaints and cannot be reached by telephone.

What is the pic date for inmates in Georgia? ›

Performance Incentive Credit (PIC) Date - A date that is earlier than the Tentative Parole Month (TPM) or Maximum Release Date (MRD) that the inmate may be considered for release. C. Tentative Parole Month (TPM) - The tentative month and year set by the Parole Board where the inmate may be released on Parole.

What is a quarterly package? ›

Our Securepak program allows a family or friend to send quarterly packages to an incarcerated loved one that contains food, clothing, hygiene and shoes to California prisons, institutions or facilities via an approved vendor. Food items include, but are not limited to, coffee, ramen, meats, seafood, pastries and candy.

How to send mail to an inmate in Georgia Department of Corrections? ›

A complete address for outgoing/incoming inmate mail shall include the inmate's full name, state I.D. number, unabbreviated institutional name, post office box, city/state, and zip code. A return address must be present on incoming mail so that undeliverable mail may be returned to the sender.

How do I send a package to Wayside Jail? ›

You can send a care package to an inmate at the Pitchess Detention Center in Wayside through the Keefe Commissary Network Inmate Package Program. This company was commissioned by the LA County Correctional Department to provide for the needs of inmates and their friends and family.

How much is a 15-minute jail call in Georgia? ›

Table 5. Average jail calling rates in each state, 2021
State Average in-state per minute rate  Average 15 minute in-state call  
46 more rows

How do I add funds to Securus? ›

Securus offers a number of convenient funding methods to meet your needs.
  1. Credit / Debit Card Online or By Phone. Payment types accepted Online or By Phone.
  2. Western Union. Cash. Credit/Debit Card. ...
  3. MoneyGram. Go to a MoneyGram location and complete the Express Blue Form (see example below) with the following information:

How do federal inmates get phones? ›

Methods of smuggling

Most mobile phones are smuggled in by prison staff, who often do not have to go through security as rigorously as visitors.

How do I send a care package to an inmate in Georgia? ›

Go to the website for JailPackStore and follow the instructions there. Care packages are available on this website. Call the Toll Free Number for Assistance. 1-800-822-9388.

How much does it cost to send money on JPay? ›


How to get approved to send money on JPay? ›

To send money to an incarcerated individual, you first need to open a free account with JPay.com. Once you've registered, click on the “Money” tab, select the incarcerated individual you would like to send money to, select the card you would like us to charge, and confirm your information. We'll take it from there!

How do I send mail to an inmate in Georgia? ›

A complete address for outgoing/incoming inmate mail shall include the inmate's full name, state I.D. number, unabbreviated institutional name, post office box, city/state, and zip code. A return address must be present on incoming mail so that undeliverable mail may be returned to the sender.

Does TDCJ allow care packages? ›

Loved ones can order #commissary purchased items online for them.

How do I send care packages to an inmate in Florida? ›

In order to send pre-packaged gifts to inmates, please place an order with iCare by following the instructions below:
  1. Navigate to the iCare Website.
  2. Click the Find an Inmate icon or the Start Shopping button.
  3. Select the state you are shopping in: Florida and search for your loved one by their last name or inmate number.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6014

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.