The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

The Evening Picayune. TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 14, 1875. AMUsem*nTO THIS EVENING. BIDWELL'S ACADEMY Bars OF MUSICchant of Venice Scouts of ST.

CHARLES Buffalo VARISTIES THEATRE Chantrau, Parted, or the OPERA Perichole." Chizzola's French Opera Grand Company. Variety EnterGLOBE TE GRUNEWALD HALL Street Grand Canrol. Concert for the dis of Morean TWEED. Strange Story from One of the Boss's Employees York Herald, THE HUNT'S POINT MYSTERY. will be remembered that a few days tions of a reporter in search of informaago the Herald described the investigation an to the mysterious carriage that seen driving up the Boulevard, in Westehester county, in the direction of Spofford's (formerly Hunt's) Point, steamed from which it was reported a tug had on Saturday night.

This point is a summer resort, and the old Hunt mansion- is now known as Cottage Lawn. The lessee was formerly an when employee it of the Mepolitan Hotel was kept by Dick and his partner. Yesterday reporter met this gentleman in this city and questioning him obtained from him very color remarkable to the story. belief which, that if Tweed true, sires either embarked at that point on a little the or that the movement of suspicious persons and the tug about the point were a part of a plan carefully devised to give the public and the authorities the impression that Big Six" had left for ports known, instead of hiding in the city until a more convenient season presents Itself for him to get away. The fact that the lessee of the place was formerly in Tweed's employ gives color to the latter theory.

STATEMENT OP THE LESSEE. This gentleman says that on returning home last Friday evening his wife informed him that two of his friends had called to see him. He asked her to dethem, when she said that about noon two men drove up in a light side bar ragon drawn by a large mahogany colored horse, and having a dark plush carriage robe and a light colored lap blanket. One of the callers, she stated, was a tall with dark hair and black side and that when he stood up in the carriage to arrange the robe. she notired that he wore a heavy locket on his watch chain and a heavy, seal ring.

wall the exact DESCRIPTION OF WILLIAM M. TWEED, said the gentleman. His companion sandy-haired, small man, quite fleshy. They asked if I was at home, and being answered in the negative, they inquired if ever stopped at the dock, how deep the water was at low tide, and if there were any boarders reminining in the house. My wife answered that boats did stop; that she had heard me there were ten feet of water, and thet all the boarders had gone.

They also asked which direction Hell Gate was from the cottage. They remained there fifteen or twenty minutes, but she does not know whether they drove down and examined the wharf or not. The wharf built by Mr. Paul W. Spofford, owner of the property, at a cost of $16,000.

remained at home all day, Saturday. About noon my wife called my attention to a little steam tug running up the and exclaimed There is boat we have never seen I arose, and looking at her remarked, She in a little beauty. Between two and three that she came alongside, and made to my dock Did you go out and investigate, and collect whartage asked the reporter, No, we never charge wharlage, and I ht nothing of it, as tugs are accustomed to wait there to tow. vessels." Describe her, She was newly, painted; her cabins appeared to be grained oak, her hull a light color. She was a small craft; I saw her there at 8 P.

M. Saturday, when I oceasion to go out. SIR SHOWED BUT ONE LIGHT. Next morning she was gone." Did you make an examination for tracks inquired the reporter. Hold on I that is the most suspicions part of it! On Sunday and Monday I remained: at home; I did not get my Herald on Monday and had not heard of Tweed's escape.

On Tuesday started for town; the conductor of the train me Herald with reference to the Hunt's Point mystery, and said, 'Oh, you have been helping the Boss off, have 700 Come, divvy! Then read it, am satisfied that Tweed left that dock that night." Well, I said the reporter, looking the gentleman in the eye to note the effect. This in in my opinion. one of the clever blinds devised to give the authorities the impression that Tweed hue left, the better to enable him to remain in hiding until a more convenient time for escape." Well said he, with laugh, haps so. I toll you what I know of the case. Mr.

Bryan the real estate man on Broadway, and others, told me I ought to tell what I know of the matter. When I returned home on Tuesday night I looked for, tracks, and found what astonished me. There were tracks of a vehicle of some kind down the lane to the entrance of my gate (see point marked A), which wast locked, and back again to the gate leading to Spofford'a farmyard, There the carriage had entered, and had been driven to the barred gate in the fence dividing the barnyard from the shore of the Sound. The bara had been taken down and the carriage had been driven through to the carriage way leading to the dock. The tracks show that the verotarned the same way.

The tracks are still there, and if you will send a reporter out he can see them to day, as they are still there. have not seen young William Tweed for some time, and don't know whether he still wears his whiskers. The description of one of the men is that of young Tweed as he need to look. I haven't seen the elder Tweed for some time, and while he was at the MetropoliHotel rarely saw him, although I he was in the house, as I often received wine orders for him, Jim Kelso and others." This story is certainly one that justifies careful investigation by the authorities. The author insisted that his name should not be published, as he wished to avoid notoriety.

One of the reasons to justify the belief that these movements were INTENDED AS A COVER' to put the detectives off the scent is the fact that the carriage made detour through the barnyard, opening one gate, and taking down a set of bars. Had Tweed been of the party he would have in too great a hurry to brook this delay, and would, with the aid of his associates, have scaled the fence at the point marked and get on board the tug in the shortest possible time. The story is given for what it is worth, and as a puesible clew that will bear tiour. 1 he statement was voluntarily made in of the Herald office yesterday by the Laura, and, to investigate the santo, a Herald reporter was set to works number of idiots in the United according to the census of 1870, 2 597, of whom 14,485 were males and 10,02 females; $188 were colored and 1045 foreign born. Supreme Court of Louisiana that the stockholders in private corporations not individually liable for porotica.

Great reduction in cabins; THE CITY. Concended Weapon, Julia Smith and John Stevens last night got into a controversy at the corner of Basin and Gaequet streets. Smith was drunk and disturbing the peaca to such an extent that the police came up and arrested them both, when Stevens was found to have a concealed weapon. He was also locked up. Stolen.

George Lee, for having a washtub in his possession supposed to have been stolen, was yesterday arrested on Willow street, near Lafayette, and locked up in the First Precinct Station. Stolen Property. P. Caderez, a well known junk dealer, doing business at the corner of Dauphine and Toulouse streets, was arrested yesterday on warrant, charged by Louis Cambias with having stolen property in his possession. John Smith was last evening enticed into the domicile of Julia Anderson, on Burgundy street, and there robbed of two dollars and a half.

Julia was arrested and locked up. Kitchen Utensils. Apoline Belfort, servant in the service of Mrs. Agnes Moons, yesterday stole a lot of kitchen utensils and made off with them. She was, however, quickly overhauled and arrested.

Grand Larceny. Joseph Celeste was arrested yesterday corner of Union and Burgundy streets, Third District, charged by Mrs. Desange, from information received, with having stolen about $400. He was locked up. Attempted Burglary.

Early this morning an attempt was made to enter the grocery store of Mr. Hapt, corner of Poet and Craps streets, by forcing up the door. The officer on the beat making his rounds, however, came upon the thieves, when they fled, taking nothing with them. The Courts. United States Circuit Court.

The United States ve. E. E. Norton, A. Descommes, A.

D. Deiter, J. H. Leovy and J. J.

Goldstern- -District Attorney Beck with charges, in a lengthy bill in chancery, that on and after March 7th, 1868, defendants, Deiter, Goldstern, Leovy and Dessomines, were doing business in this city as exporters of cotton to Liverpool; that at one time, to wit: on the ship Baden, the firm shipped to above port 1082 bales of cotton, which reached Liverpool abont. May. 10th; that there was due at this date, a specific tax on the cotton of centa per pound, which was required to be paid before the shipment of the cotton. It is further charged in the bill that the said defendants in partnership, with the intention to defraud the Government, combined with other parties and conveyed the cotton beyond the jurisdiction of the United States, by causing to be made out and delivered to the Collector of the Port in this city, a false and forged manifest, the annexed document being pretended affidavit, with the name of C. H.

Shute affixed. That in order to conceal said fraud and forgery, they obtained from Cesaire Fassy a man ifest of staves shipped per ship Reichstag to Liverpool that defendants pasted over said false affidavit this manifest in such a manner as to conceal the signature of the Deputy Collecter Shute, and the item "staves was changed, by all of which the Government claims to have been defranded of $11,807. That after the perpetration of the alleged frauds the Arm went into bankruptcy, and E. E. Norton became assignee.

A lien is claimed by the Government on all property in the bands of the assignee, for the aforesaid amount. An injunction is prayed for to prevent E. E. Norton from distributing the estate until the Government claim is canceled. Superior Criminal Court.

Geo. Morris, the negro who killed Sarah Johnson on November 30, and who has ever since expressed a desire to expiate his crime on the gallows, followed up his determination by pleading guilty when arraigned morning. Judge Steele ordered that the plea should not be recorded, and appointed Hugh J. Campbell, as counsel for accused. The prisoner, after legal advice, will he permitted to plead.

Morris shows no signs of remorse for his crime, but continually refers to his victim in terms of hate and unsatisfied revenge. The counsel for Word filed motion to bail acoused. for Saturday. THE RIVER. PICAYUNE OPPICE, Tuesday, Dec.

14, 1875. We are now having a succession of most magnificent days, and everybody appears to enjoy them. The weather, if furnished to order, could not be improved upon. Business was lively on the Levee yesterday, owing to the many arrivals and the amount of sugar, molasses and cotton discharged on the landings from them, all having good trips. The packets leaving had fair trips, and altogether affairs look bright and prosperous for the immediate future.

ARRIVALS. R. E. Lee from Vickeburg, Katie from Greenville, Pike from Bayou Sara, Hodge from Baton Rouge, St. John from Donaldsonville, Tete and Assumption from Lafourche, Stella Block from Tensas, Mary Ida and Josephine from Upper Coast, St.

Mary and Martha from Lower Coast. DEPARTURES. Katie for Greenville, Pike for Bayou Sara, Hodge for Baton Rouge, Assumption for Lafourche, St. John for Donaldson ville, Bertha for Opelousas, Josephine for Upper Coast, Wawenock and Iberia for Lower Coast. STEAMERS DUE.

Belle Rowland and Bonnie Lee from Red River, Tensas from Tensas, St. John from Donaldeonville, James Howard and Dean from Memphis, Thos Sherlock from St. Louis, Scudder and Pey tona from Ohio River, Onachita Belle Vicksburg, Gov. Allen from Fort Adams, Mary Miller from Ohio River, Home from Yazoo River, Martha and Iberia from Lower Coast, Poitevent and Josephine from Upper Coast, Lessie Taylor from Baton Rouge, Fleta from Opelousas, Robert Young from Lafourche FOR ST. The John A.

Soudder 18 now receiving at the upper landing and will leave on her return trip on Wednesday, the 15th. J. B. Woods 104 Common street, are her agents. FOR OHIO RIVER.

The Robert Mitchell will leave this day for all points on the Ohio River to Cincinnati. Her aocommodations and fare are unsurpassed and she is in charge of reliable and courteous officers. James Paul, master: Capt. Frank Stein, elerk. She will leave at 5 P.M.

FOR OHIO RIVER The Peytona and barges are now loading and will have quick dispatch, leaving on Wednesday. Burden Wayne, agents. FOR VICKSBURG- The champion of the Father of Waters, the incomparable steamer Robt. E. Lee, will leave on time as usual this evening, taking freight and for all town and way landings to connecting at.

Delta with 8. and T. Railroad for all points the road, and at Vicksburg with Pariline of Yazoo, Tallahatchie and Sunflower River packets Capt. Campbell is in command, and Mr. A.

charge of the office. 5 is. her time of departure. FOR VICKSBURG The fine fast Quachita Belle, in charge of Capt. John F.

Minesot, will arrive this day and be receiving to leave on to-morrow. Wednesday, her regular day. This fine boat has accommodations and faro, and, is fast. Under the charge of genwho have deen identified with this trade all their lives, she is a good best to travel on. 5 P.

M. is her time for leaving, FOR Attention is called to the advertisem*nt in our advertising of the line -of rackets for all points on Atchafalaya and Teche, composed of the following firstclass boats, commanded and officered by efficient and competent gentlemen: The Ida, T. R. Muggah, master, Fred. H.

Buck, clerk; and the Clarksville, Abe Smith, master, Frank Greig, clerk. These boats will leave punctually as advertised during the entire season, the Clarksville leaving on Wednesday, December 15, at 5 P.M. Any information required will be furnished by their courteous agents, Messre. Hite Carlin, 3 Tchoupitoulas street. FOR D'ARBONNE.

-The complete little: Bertha Bruner arrived Sunday from the head of the hollow, on the above bayou, with 1006 bales of cotton, the biggest load she has ever had on her. She will return this day at 5 P. taking freight for all points on the above bayou. Capt. Wm.

Wenzel is in charge, and what he don't know about building and running light-draft boats is useless to learn. FOR OUACHITA -The steamer Rapides has for the present retired from active business, and turned over her orders and freight to the Kate Kinney, which fine, fast packet will leave this evening, in charge of Capt. Fred. A. Blanks, with Mr.

Andrew Clark in the office. This boat has fine, roomy staterooms and good fare. 5 P. M. is her hour of leaving.

FOR RED steamer Belle Rowland not having arrived in time, the steamer Carrie A. Thorn has been substituted in her place, and will leave this evening, at 5 o'clock. Capt. Chas. Thorn commands.

The Thorn will go through to Shreveport. FOR BATON ROUGK. -The Lessie Taylor, of the Jumel Line of Coast packets, will be in this day and leave on Wednesday for all Coast and town landings to Baton Rouge. Capt. Allen Jumel commands; Capt.

M. Kennison, clerk. Her hour of departure is 12 M. FOR FORT The semi-weekly packet Gov. Allen is now due and will leave on Wednesday, at 5 P.M., for all Coast and way landings to mouth of Red River and Fort Adams.

John O. Libano in command; A. Roland and Ed. Phelps, clerks. A clerk will be on the Levee, at the head of Customhouse street, every Tuesday morning early, to receive freight.

FOR MEMPHIS AND THE BENDS. The Thompson Dean is coming again, and will be due this day. Since this fine boat, with her courteous and efficient officers, has been running in this trade she has made host of appreciative friends, and justly so, as she is a fine boat, fitted out complete, with not only the necessary appliances, but all that modern could suggest to render steamboat traveling a pleasure. W. B.

Miller in command, Geo. Miltenberger in charge of the office. The Dean carries first-clase brass band to enliven the tedinm of the passage. She will leave on Wednesday at 5 o'clock in the evening. FOR TENSAS AND The Stella Block will leave this evening for all points on Macon and Tensas Bayous.

She is in charge of Capt. Joe Walker, with Mr. Gabe Block in charge of the office. She will leave sure at 5 P. M.

The Block will sign through bills lading to all points on Upper Fensas. FOR MACON AND TENSAS. Capt. Cooley, with his fine light draft steamer Tensas, built expresaly for this trade, is now dne and will arrive this morning. She will leave this evening for all pointe on Tensas and Macon.

This fine boat, ander the command of Capt. Cooley, with Mr. D. G. Dawley in the office, manent feature in this trade.

P. her hour of departure. FOR OPELOUSAS. The fleet little Fleta will be found at her wharf this morning, and will receive to leave on Wednesday at 5 P. Capt.

C. C. Pickett, master, A. Meynier, clerk. The Fleta takes freight for all landings on Courtableau, Atchafalaya and Des Glaizes and Bayou landings, Dee Glaizes freight at Simsport or Big Bend landing, and Bayou freight at Washington.

FOR BAYOU The Henry Tete, of the Crescent and Star Line of boats, is the regular Tuesday packet for all poins to Donaldsonville and Bayou Lafourche. She will leave this day, at 112 M. J. F. Aucoin, master, M.

H. Landry, clerk; always returning down the Coast in daylight. FOR DONALDSONVILLE. The staunch St. John, of the White Hat Line triweekly const packets, is the regular Wednesday boat for all coast landings to Donaldsonville.

Capt. Bergeron, the deservedly popular commander, will back her out at 12 M. FOR UPPER COAST. The W. J.

Poitevent, of the daily M. I. Line of Upper Coast packets, leaves Wednesday, at 10 for all coast landings to Union Plantation. Capt. 8.

Heno is in command, G. F. Bartley is in the office. FOR UPPER COAST. The Mary Ida, of the daily 1.

Line Upper Coast packets, leaves on this day for landings to Union Plantation: J.cA. Buis, master, M. Vallette, clerk. FOR COAST. The side-wheel steamer Josephine is the regular Wednesday packet to Union Plantation and Hahnville, W.

L. Cozzens, master, E. E. Applegate, clerk. She leaves at 10 clock in the morning.

FOR BAYOU -The reliable packet Robert Young, will be in this day and leave on Wedneeday, at 5 P. taking freight for all coast and Bayou landings to Thibodaux, U. D. Terrebonne, master, Frank Dalferes, clerk. This boat can be relied on as a permanent institution in this trade.

FOR LOWER COAST- -The clipper Wawenock, carrying the U. 8. mail, is now Pilot Town. arrive this evenmaking weekly tripe to Port Eads and ing and leave to morrow at 10 A. sharp, taking freight and passengers to all points on the Lower Coast.

Capt. John Taylor commands, who is well known and deservedly popular in this trade. FOR LOWER -The superb packet St. Mary is making, for the accommodation passengers and shippers, triweekly trips to Lee Plantation, making all the intermediate landings, both going and coming. She is now receiving at the head of Conti street, and will leave this day at A.

sharp. Fred. Probet, master, Mesere. Tremoulet and Sogier, clerks. FOR LOWER favorite triweekly sidewheel steamer Iberia will leave on Wednesday at 11 o'clock, for all points to Buras Settlement.

Capt. Sheldon assures us, though reports to the contrary are in circulation, he will stick in this trade. Mr. John McConkey, clerk. FOR LOWER COAST.

The regular and reliable daily packet J. F. Frazer, Capt. Oliver Canton, leaves daily from the head of Conti street, at 4 P.M., for all landings to Bell Air Plantation. Many people want to know why the pile of cotton seed is allowed to encumber the wharf, near the Police Station, so long; it has been there four or five days and ought to be moved.

Memphis has a new local packet called the Osceola Belle, of 1500 bales capacity, and they rejoice exceeding much. The Mollie Moore left St. Lonis on the 11th. The Andy Johnson was to leave on the 12th. Capt.

John H. Bowen, the river reporter of the St. Louis Globe, is recovering from a severe fall which he recoi red come time ago, and is able to be ahout again. By telegram in another column to her agents, Meters. Brookett de Carter, it will be seen the James Howard has passed Vicksburg, and will arrive on Wednesday morning.

She passed with 5000 bales cotton and 10,000 sacks seed. MARINE NEWS. PICAYUNE OFFICE, 14. ARREVED. ZAR, Forwood days district, lackSteamship from MatanSteamship I Harris from Brashest City.

to A Algiers Ship Gen Shepler, Hutchins, 60 days from King Roads, in ballast, to master- Point Nor Bark Aurora, Anderson, 61 days from Liverpool, to master- 4th district John A Scudder, Carter, fm Louis. Belle of Shreveport, Rea, fm St Lonis. Mary Miller, Leacratre, In Cincinnati. Tensas, Cooley, fm Warsaw. Robt Young, erreboune, tin Thibodaux.

Fleta, Pickett, fm Washington. Poiterent, Heno, fm St James. Belle, Mossop, tm Geo Spangler, tin Lower Coast. Quaker, Raichle, fm Upper Coast. Outside the Bar -Bound Steamship State of Alabama, Hamlin, from Liv.

erpool Nov 30th, to A Miller doo Cargo, 5500 ska salt RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. ST LOUIS Steamer John A Scudder-4 bales cotton to Clark-15 Sentell doo- 0 Newman 41 Burnet 2 Newman4 11 Noble 46 Britton, Moore Coleman- -178 Richardson May Payne, Kennedy furey Gillis -2 Ben Gerson-3 Wiison jr-14 RT Buokner Bro 7 Vaiden, Hawkins doo 8 Coons co- -26 Handie Bussey co- 16 Flash, Lewis 240 Meyer, Weis 90 McGehee, Snowden Violett-130 0 Binok deco 78 Chaffe Suns 40 Lehman, Abraham dco-63 Phelps co -35 Claiborne 70 Harris de co 43 Alous, Scherck Autey-162 Airey 433 Burbridge -19 Greenwood 76 Pritchard, Bickham 58 Mille -1 Chopin 9 I Steele 11 Clapp Bros co -56 Prestidge, Graham co2 Blakemore -1 I King deco -11 Beadles, wood co- 4 Hadden 95 Friedlander5 Chafe, Hamilton Powell-23 A Johnson317 to order-33 Allison 52 Levee Press Co-60 Stewart Bros Allen Walmsley -1 Nalle Cammack-19 Hall-11 Dowling 13 1 Dowling 32 8 Newman -1 Kennedy co 4 McGehee, Snowden Violett8 Qenshaw, Cammack co 4830 aka cotton seed Cotton Seed Ass'n. 333 do Bienville Oil Co325 do Union Oil Co 41 do Louisiana Oil Co-113 do A A Sons -112 aka cotton meal McKeon co- 100 aks seed Virgin -259 pca bagging Lehman, Abraham -1 bdl hides Hay Mehle 25 bbls flour Pascal do Glover Odendahl-200 do Converse 200 do Gordon Gomila-30 bxs eggs Miller Meyer-80 pkgs lead Kellet Sincer-21 bx8 crackers A Beauman 5 de 80 bble flour 20 bbis potatoes 3 bbis apples to A Whitney doo- 450 pockets shot A Kennett-100 bbis four Speers- 64 do L. Labat doo -116 bbls meal 50 bols grits Matthews pkgs mise Aitkens 801- cows Hannigan-1872 aka corn Chopin-240 do Howard Preston100 de Glynn r- and sundries to order- -Total2566 bales cotton 5642 sis cotton seed-112 aks cotton seed meal WARSAW Steamer Tense -189 bales cotton to 8 93 Walmsley 73. 8 Kansier-65 Meyer, Weis 57 Prestidge, Graham co 18 TE Allen doo 48 1 White 48 Lehman, Abraham Ben 47 Gillie- 40 Harris 30 A Peale 25 Payne, Kennedy 20 Allison 20 Clarke -18 Renahaw, Cammack co-15 A Bader Hardie -11 Pritchard, Bickham 9J Fandidge deco 8 Hartwell Chamber 8 Beraud Gibert-7 Richardson Sons 7 McGehes, Snowden Violett- Buckner too 6 Wyche Morgan- 4 Forehelmer Bros 2 Naile Cammack-2 8 0 Thomas doo 2 Denis 2 Flower Newman 1 Britton, Moore Coleman- -1767 sacks cotton seed A A Sons 262 do A Peale -35 do White and sundries to order 967 bales ska cotton seed THIBODAUX- Steamer Hobert Young hade sugar to Allen -21 do Bush 9 do 120 bbla molasses do John I Adams co 72 do A Tertrou 72 do Beltran- do 10 hhds sugar do Burbride 26 de 22 bbis molasses GA Lanaux-69 do Conger Kelly-2 aka rough rice A Hickman 52 do Meyer Weill- 108 do J-T Moore -113 do Lanaux Sone- 140 do Brooks- sundries to order -Total 97 hids sugar 407 bbla mola: 413 aka rough rice ST 8 hhds sugar 18 bbis molasses to Segaaste -83 do Brugier-26 do O'Connell 27 do Boisblanc 4 do 46 hhds sugar Lanaux Sous -12 do 10 bbis molasses Milken- 24 do 12 hhus sugar Binder 18 do Bourgeois 50 do Scott- 20 do Bayly Pond -20 do Gally 25 do Stockmeyer dop-22 aka rough rice do Janbert -17 do Llambias Dockter-112 de Clapp Bros deco sundries to order Total -211 hads sugar 203 bbla 382 aka rough rice VICKSBURG- Steamer Ourchita Belle -256 bales cotton to Payne, Kennedy Richardson May -244 Newman 202 TH Allen 176 Harris Craig Hogan 150 Meyer, Weis Lehman, Abrabam co 88 Pritchard Bickham -60 to Vaipen, Hawkins co 51 Greenwood doo8 0 Thomas co- 40 Clapp Bros Hall-22 Chaffe Sons -19 8 Coons 20 Bussey -19T L.

Airey -18. Gerson- -19 Jurey -18 Burnet 17 Howcott Gordin-16 Alcus Soherck Autey-15 Blakemore -12 Prestidge, Graham 8 Frierson-9 Hardie Hirsch, Adler 9 Hamilton Powell-7 Cromwell Walmaley 800 --6 Flower don- -6 Buok. ner co- -5 Rawlins Murrell- 4 Allison deco 5 Britton, Moore Coleman- 3 Simms Levy 2 to order 2 Newman 1 Simmons Beadles, Wood 800 1 8 Cromwell- 8520 ska cotton seed 0 Cotton Seed Ase'n-9 bales broom corn Payne, Kennedy doo sundries, order Total-2082 bales cotton -3520 aka cotton seed LOWER COAST -Steamer Geo Spangler hhde sugar 25 bble molannes to Milliken 5 do to order- 47 do Byrne Barstow 20 do 18 hads 7 Colder 14 do Chism do 1. 12 do Ong-5 do Beltran- -8 bbis do Hill- 2 do Lagan Mackison-90 bbis molasB C-48 do Hopkins sundries to order- -235 bbis molasses- 81 hhds sugar 10 bbls do UPPER COAST-Steamer Quaker- -80 bbis to Milliken-sundrien to order. WASHINGTON- Steamer Fleta-146 bales cotton to W.

Burbridge -108 Payne, Kennedy 66 Denis 43 Lehman, Abraham A Tertron- 24 Alcus, Scherok Auter 20 I Adama co 16 Manade 19 McGe Hee, Snowden Violett-12 Beraud GL bert-12 Meyer, Weis 8 Bush Levert-6 Flog er co- 5 Henry-5 Claiborne Hare -4 Sentell 3 Gwyn Dyer 3 to Renshaw Cammack co -3 Forstall ville 8 Meyer Weill-2 Chaffraix Agar 2 to Nalle Cammack-1 Schmidt Ziegler 55 bbis molasses P. Maspero -228 de Payne, Kennedy 21 do 14 hhds sugar 1 Burbridge 66 aks cotton seed 0 Cotton Seed Ass n- 127 hides 1 bbl do Casse 2 do 4 hides Menade po 20 aka rough rice Terrebenne Son- 24 hides Meyer Weill- bbl do to Berand Gibert-1 bbl molasses J. A Harris sundries to order Total-547 bales cotton -60 aks cotton seed -14 hade sugar -800 bbis molassea 20 ska rough rice MIDWIFERY. COHEN, M. has removed to 98 Baronne street, corner of Perdido.

She announces to the ladies that she still continues to practice on all diseases of women, no matter of how long standing, having had eighteen years successful practice in this city. Dr. Cohen thanks her numerons friends for the liberal patronage during that time, and hopes to meet a continuance of the same. Terms moderate. 98 Baronne street, next the shoe store.

F1'75-1y MAE. WARDLE. Carondelet, in 299. returning THALIA STREET, to her friende and the publio for their Hind patronage for the pant twenty years, as MIDWIFE and Ladies' Physician, deatren now to inform them and strangers that she has made arrangements to receive patients at her house, where all the comforte of a home will be supplied on the most reasonable When necessary, the best and oldest physicians can be consulted. For stran gers, best city references given and required.

Hours of consultation as fullowe: 7 to 8 A. and 4 to 7 P.M. mh12 BONOMO, 140 ST. LOUIS STREET, and 101 Burgundy street, recommends herself as Physician for all female diseases, and Midwife, and promises sure cure for all cases of diseases of the blood, such as Soreness of Feet, Swelling of the Legs, Diseases of the Womb, Teething of Children. Rooms always ready to receive Ladies to be confined, She in good treatment and terms to suit the times.

can be applied to every day after 1 o'clock. F5 MILLER DIELMANN, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, 50, 52 and 54 South Peters street, Hare in store the largest assortment of American and French CONFECTIONERIES, FIREWORKS, FIRECRACKERS, CIGARS, -AndCALIFORNIA WINES ever brought to this city. Special inducements offered to jobbers and retail dealers. Call and examine their splendid stock. 031-3t8w2m RANLETT co.D.


MAIL STRAMERS. THE LOW PRESS sure iron steamships form those HARLAN. I. C. HARRIS, G.

ST. MARY GUSSIE. WHITNEY, MARY, CLINTON, CITY OF NORFOLK, AGNES, HUTCHINSON, AUSTIN. Plying from Brashear City, in connection with Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad. FOR INDIANOLA, VIA GALVESTON.


Through bills of lading signed to. Houston and to all points beyond on the Houston and Texas Central Railroad, and to Cuero and to all inter. mediate points via Gulf, Western Texas and Pa citic Railway, subjeos to tariffs of respective lines. Freight charged as per now card rates. Freights for Dallas and pointa beyond on the Texas Central Railroad, and to Troupe and pointa beyond, on the Int.

and Great Northern Railroad, at greatly reduced rates. FOR CORPUS CHRISTI, PUL- ton and St. Mary's, via Rockport- The iron steamer MARY, will leave Brashear on Lighterage to Corpus Christi, If any, at the expense and risk of consignees. Freights for Fulton and St. Mary's landed at Rockport.

FOR BRAZOS SANTIAGO DI- reet- The iron steamer I. O. HARRIS will leave Brashear on WEDNESDAY, December 15. Freight for all the above points received at the Depot of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad, foot of Lafayette street, daily, until P. M.

Freight payable in gold. Lighterage at Brazos Santiago at risk and expense of consignes. PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTE FOR GALVESTON. Passengers take Railroad Ferry Boat foot of St. Ann street at 7:30 A.

reaching Brashear City at 11:15 A. there connecting with steamers CLINTON on SUNDAYS. JOSEPHINE On SUNDAYS, WHITNEY on TUESDAYS, MORGAN on WEDNESDAYS, JOSEPHINE on THURSDAYS. HUTCHINSON on FRIDAYS, WHITNEY on SATURDAYS. First class to Shreveport.

Time, 45 hours. Cabin passage to Galveston. Deck passage to Excursion tickets for the round to Galves ton and return, good for thirty days, issued twenty dollars Tickets and ataterooma secured until 5 P. daily (Sundays excepted), Office, or at the Ferry Landing on the morning of departare. Through ticketa will be lasted from this office to the principal points: on the Houston, Texas Central Railroad, on the International and Great Northern Railroad, Texas and Pacino Railroad, and Gulf, Western Texas and Pacifio Railway, and stage connections.

C. A. WHITNEY Agenta, corner of Magazine and Natchez streets. J174-t HAVANA AND FLORIDA PORTS. FOR HAVANA, CEDAR KEYS AND KEY WEST.

Carrying U. 8. Mails Leaving Every Week. THE NEW ORLEANS, FLORIDA and Havana Steamship Company will dispatch the new and unsurpassed iron passenger steamship J. McC.

Baker, commander, TUESDAY, December 14, at 8 P. M. from foot of Calliope street, First District. The advantages to travelers seeking safety, comfort and pleasure on a steamship, are apparent in selecting this route, as rough sea is almost unknown in those waters, and the voyage from New Orleans to Havana is only a few hours longer than if going direct. RATES OF PASSAGE.

To Key West: Cedar Keys: 20 12 Through bills of lading issued to all points on line of railroads in Florida and on the St. John's River. Also to New York, Savannah and Charleston. Through bills of lading and passage tickets given to Tampa via Cedar Keys, and landing eight on wharf at Tampa. one but the Company's bills of lading signed, and none signed after the sailing of the steamer.

Splendid passenger accommodations and through tickets given to above pointe. No freight received without permit from the office. For freighi or passage apply to ROBERTS, Agent, 120 Common Over Louisiana National Bank The steamship TAPPAHANNOCK will follow on December 23. mh1-ott STEAMBOATS. BAYOU MACON AND TENSAS.

REGULAR TENSAS AND BAYOU MACON PACKET. Leaves every TURSDAY, at 5 P. M. FOR FLOYD, DELHI A AND ALL landings on Macon and Tensas Rivers -The steamer STELLA BLOCK, Jos. Walker, master, Gabe Block, clerk, will leave as above, positively.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to CARLIN, 3 Tchoupitoulas st. LORD MOPEAK 46 Camp street. will sign through bills lading to all landings on Upper Tensa FOR BAYOU MACON AND TENSAS. REGULAR BAYOU MACON AND TENSAS PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY, at 5.

P. 1 M. FOR PLOYD, DELHI, WAR saw, Crockett Point, Cutot, and all a landings on Tenas and Black Riv. -The fine, now passenger steamer TENSAS, B. Cooley, master, D.

G. Dawley, clerk will leave as above, taking treight for Marcott's and all landings on Old River. For freight or peerage apply BRITTON or to EPPLER, Agents. FORT ADAMS. SEMI TO PORT ADAMS.

Leaves every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 5 P. Returning The on FRIDAY passenger and steamer MONDAY, GOV. ALLEN, John C. Libano, master, A. Roland, clerk, leaves as above, for Fort Adams, Mouth Red River, Bayou Sara, Baton Rouge, and all const landings.

For freight or passage apply on or to JOHN Common street. ADAMS WORK, 9 Commercial Place. BRITTON EPPLER, 104 Common st. Commencing SATURDAY, Oct. 3.

029 BAYOU SARA. FOR BAYOU SARA, 100, Hermitage, Port Hudson, Baton Rouge, States Plaquemine and semi- way landinge The United mail weekly packet W. S. PIKE, J. master, Jeaces every MONDAY and FRIDAY, P.

for Bayou Saras HITE CARLIN, Agents, 3 street. an21 75-tr A. C. GODDIN, 89 YAZOO AND TALLAHATCHIS RIVERS HOME THROUGH LINE. Dee.

22, 5 YAZOO AND hatchie River The now, light draft steamer HOME, Ben. W. it. R. Pritchett, de above For freight apply On DEN.

W. Superintendent. N. O. DONOR UH, Agent, Gravier STEAMBOATS.

STEAMBOATS. FOR 8T. MEMPHIS AND BENDS The fine JOHN SOUDDE J. Carter, master, DE Leaves WEDNESDAY, Dee. 15, at 5 P.

Through bills of to all points North and Te B. 104 WOODS Common streets ST. LOUIS AND CAIRO. OHIO RIVER. FOR THE OHIO RIVER Leaves on WEDNESDAY, 15th at 5 P.

FOR OINCINNATI. LOUIS. ville, Evensville, Paducah. Cairo, and all intermediate points Tao steamer PEYTONA AND BARGES, J. C.

master. will leave as above. ENDS PIN board, or to d12 106 Gravier street. REGULAR CINOINNATI, LOUISVILLE AND NEW ORLEANS PACKET. Lenves THURSDAY, Dec, 16.

at 5 P. M. FOR OINCINNATI, LOUIS. ville, Evansville, Hendersen, Shaw. neelown, Paducah, Cairo, Memphis and all intermediate points The passenger steamer ROBERT MITCHELL, James Paul, master, Frank Stein, clerk, will board leave as above For freight or passage apply on or to d8 106 Gravier street.


ville, Vicksburg and the Bends- -The splendid passenger steamer JOHN B. MAUDE, J. T. West, master, Ed. Outlaw, clerk, will leave a8 aboye, particular attention to all.

way and plantation business. Shippers may rely on the Mande remaining in the trade the entire season. Through bills of lading to all points on the Ouschita and Pine Bluff Railroad from Chloot City, And to all pointa on White River as high Jacksonport. For freight or passage apply on board, or to BURDEAU WAYNE, d2-1m 106 Gravier street. REGULAR MEMPHIS AND BEND PACKETS.

FOR MEMPHIS HELENA. Mouth of White River, Chicot. Greenville, Vicksburg, Natchez and the Bends The new and MARY BELL, J. F. Hicks, master, Grissom, clerk, Leaves on FRIDAY, Dec.

24, at M. JAMES HOWARD, Leaves THURSDAY, Dec. 16, at 5 P. M. will leave as above.

attentiod given to all way and plantation business. Through bills of lading signed to all points on Chicot Railroads. BROCKETT CARTER, Agents n3 ti 88 Magazine street REGULAR MEMPHIS AND BEND PACKET For the Reason of 1875-76 Leaves WEDNESDAY, Dec. 15, at 6 P. M.

FOR MEMPHIS, Mouth of White River, Chicot, Greenville, Vickaburg, and the Bends The splendid passenger steamer THOMPSON DEAN. W. B. Miller, master, Geo, Miltenberger, will leave as above, ring particular attention to all way and plantation business. Shippers may rely on the Dean remaining in the trade the entire season.

Through bills of lading to all points on the Ounchita and Pine Chicet City, to on White River as high as port. For freight or on WAYNE 023 106 Gravier street. VICKSBURG, GREENVILLE AND THE BENDS. VICKSBURG, GREENVILLE AND THE BENDS. every MONDAY, at 5 P.

M. FOR VICKSBURG, GREEN ville and the Bends- The superb passenger steamer KATIE, J. Tobin, master, at Vickaburg with steamers all points on Yazoo and Rivers. J. JANNEY, 117 Common street.

ADAMS WORK, 9 Commercial Place. A. C. GODDIN, 89 Magazine street. Connecting at Vicksburg with the Home Line for azoo, Tallahatchie and steamer Vicksburg for Bunflower Rivers.


LEE, Wm. Campbell, master, MoVay, clerk, leaves as above, connecting at Vicksburg with Parisot's Line for all points on Yaroo, SunDeer Creek and Tallahatchle. WORK JOHN HITE CARLIN, A genta. ap6 '75 Freight taken and through bills of lading signed to Trenton, Monroe, and all stations OIL the Vickeburg, Shreveport and Texas W. B.

BROCKETT, 38 Magazine street. WEDNESDAY VICKSBURG PACKET. Leaves EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. FOR VICKSBURG, DAVIS'S Bend, Natchez and all intermediate landings The fine passenger steamer OUACHITA BELLE, John H. Mossop, leaves as above, connecting at Vicksburg the Parisot Line for Yazoo, Sunflower, Deer Creek and Tallahatchle Rivers For freight or passage apply on board, or to HITE CARLIN, 8 Tehoupitonias Commencing Wedneeday, Nov.

34. UNITED STATES MAIL Leaves EVERY THURSDAY, at 5 P. M. FOR GREENVILLE, VICKS. burg and the Bend The fine and fast passenger packet FRANK PARGOUD, J.

M. White, master, C. Holmes, olerk, connecting at Vicksburg with Parisot's Line for all pointa on Yazoo and Rivera. JOHN JANNEY, 117 Common street. ADAMS WORK, 9 Commercial HITE CARLIN, A.

C. GODDIN. Jest taken and through bills of lading signed to Trenton, Monroe and ail stations on the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Texas Railroed, W. B. BROCKETT, 38 sine street.

Leaves every MAIL SATURDAY, PACKET. at 6 P. M. U. 8.

FOR VICKSBURG, NATCHEZ Davis's Bend, and all intermediate landings The passenger steamer NATCHEZ, Capt. connecting T. at Leathers, Vicksburg with Parisot line for P. Clerk J. P.

Muse, with Anchor Line for Memphis, Catro and St Yezoo, Tallahatchie and Sunflower River, Louis. For freight or passage apply or board or J. JANNEY, 117 Common street. HITE CARLIN, 3 Tchoupitoulas Freight taken and- through all bills of lading signed to Trenton, Monroe, and stations Ballroad on the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Texas B. BROCKETT, 05 38 Magazine street.


The steamer LESSIE TAYLOR. Allen Jamel, master, M. Kenison, clerk, will leave as above, returning every Sunday and Thursday evening, For freight or passage apply on board, or to ADAMS WORK, 9 Commercial Place. Will take freight as cheap as any boat trade. Jy13 THE PACKET AS ORLEANS FAR AS AND UNION UPPER PLAN- COAST TATION, ST.

JAMES. The steamer MARY IDA. Ruiz, master, Ed. M. Vallette, will leave New Orleans every THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 10 A.

and will return every or Friday and apply Sun- on day, in daylight. For freight passage board, or to Jy27-ott W. J. COMAUX, 20 Conti st. TRI-WEEKLY ORLEANS, PAOKET, COAST AND DONALDSONVILLE The tine side wheel steamer ST.

Bergeron, master. leaves URDAY New at 10 A. ever and WEDNESDAY at 13 Orleans and SAT. returning TUESDAY down the and in THURSDAY. daylight SUNDAY, freight or on board or to 026-t E.


steamer W. J. POITEVENT, Heno, master. E. M.

Stella clerk. HE FRIDAY THURSDAY, 100 SUNDA SATURDAY 10 DAY. For freight or SO on or to 031- RED RIVER GRAND BOORS PACKET FOB GRAND 1 Barbin The steamer C. H. DURFEE R.

Sinnott, master, C. answer calls place on of Bart Able, will all the d3 4 apply to 9 WOR Commercial NEW ORLEANS AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY STEAMERS. MARIA LOUISE, R. T. BRYARLY, LOTUB 3 LA BELLE BOWL A A.


H. DURFRE POR SHREVPPORT. son, Upper Red River, Min Grand Ecore and New all way and plantation landingsOrleans an follows TUESDAY, Dec. 14, at 5 P.M. CARRIE A.

THORN, Charles No wharf-boat charges made consigned to the at the mouth River, Forwarding freights consigned pany at New commissions. Orienna be bandied and For treight or on boats, Gravier or at the office of the company, No. 111 street. JOB. A Jel 76 -1y M.


Capt. M. will. on the opening of New Orleans every TUESDAY, for Ware's bin's Norman's, Cottar, gomery, Grand and all way and shatta Returning to Will have connecting Winder Mansfield Empty a ad? the highest price W. n10-ott 111 OUACHITA.


14, at 5 P.M. FOR CAMDEN. ELDORA Ouschita City, Monroe, Trenton Ball landings on Black and Rivers -The tine new light draft steamer KATE KINNEY, A. Blanks, master, Andrew Clark, clerk, positively leave as For freight passage apply on board, A. BLANKS, 2 Canal HITE EPPLER.

LORD MCPEAKE, ADAMS WORK 412 ATTAKAPAS AND ATCHAPALAYA. WALKER LYONS TECHE LINE FOR SIMBPORT. CHURCH. ville, and all on the Atchafalaya River, Bayou Chene, Patter. conville, Centreville, Franklin, Charenton, Jeanerette, New Iberia, Pointe St.

Martinsville, and all landings on Bayou The light draft passenger steamer CLARKSVILLE leaves Abe on Smith, master, DAY, Frank Dec. Greta 0. IDA, B. Muggah, master, P. E.

Back, leaves on SATURDAY, December 18, at 5 Will leave an above, paying particular a tion to all way and plantation business, For freight or passage apply on board or to Agents, d12 3 BAYOU LAFOURCHE. COAST. DONALDSONVILLE AND LAPOURCHE PACKET. The now, fast and sate passenger steamer ROBERT YOUNG, U. D.

Terrebonne, master: Frank Dalferes, clerk, Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 P. and every or WEDNESDAY, at 12 M. freight HITE on board, or to n14- 3 Tchoupitouiss street. REGULAR BAYOU LAPOURCHE AND PACKET. The ASSUMPTION N.

Z. Dupais, clerk, Leaves New Orleans every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 P. M. Returning down the Coast in daylight on SUNDAY and DAY, roing down the Bayou as far as Laurel Valley Plantation. For further information spply to B.

RIVET, 30 Conti street. TRI-WEEKLY NEW ORLEANS, COAST AND BAYOU LAPOURCHE PACKET. Commencing TUESDAY, Oct. 26, 1875. The fine, fast HENRY Aucola, mi M.

H. Landry, clerk, Leaven New Orleans every TUESDAY. THURSDAS and at 19 turning NESDAY, on FRIDAY and SUNDAY. every For the Coast in or passage apply on board, or to B. RIVET, 30 Conti street.

OPELOUSAB. OPELOUSAS AND COAST. Leaves every MONDAY, 5 P. WASHINGTON, OPELOU Port Barre, Simmsport, Church. and all landings on the Coast, Atchal River and Bayou BERTHA H.

E. Broad, master, T. Tobin, will through leave to as all above landings taking on Bayou freight des and and Bayou Bout. BRITTON EPPLER, Agents. OPELOUBAS AND COAST.

every FOR WABHINGTON, at OPELOU. 5 Port Barre, Churchand all landings on the Coast, Atchafalaya River and Baron The FLETA, c. C. Pickett, master, A. Menier, clerk, will leave as above: Ali freight and at passengers for Bayou des Gintzee Landing, to be and for landed Bayou Bout Big Bend Washington.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to LORD MePBAKE, Agenti REGULAR OPELOUSAS PACKET. Leaves every 5 P.M. FOR WARRINGTON, PORT all Barre, landings Simmsport, on the Coast, AtchatsChurchrille River and Bayou The new and light draft passenger steamer TRENTON, E. Quatrevanx, master, All E. treight for Molaison, Bayou oleck.

dewill leave Glaizes will be landed at or on Big board, Bend or to Landing. For freight DOW LING, apply Jy6 ott corner Old Levee and LOWER COAST. RADS AND LOWER COAST U. 8. LOWER COAST.

PORT MAIL PAOKET, Leaves FRIDAY MONDAY, at 10 A. M. WEDNESDAY FOR PORT RADS, PORT ST. Philip, a la Quarantine Hache and all way land. Station, Bares, The fine steamer WAWENOCK, will leave as above, returning John every Taylor, TUESDAY, EDNESDAY and Vill co to Pilot Town on FRIDAYS.

freight or passage apply on board. LOWER COAST Leaves every SATURDAY, A. THURSDAY POR at 105 LEE PLANTATION, Quarantine 8tation, and all most Lower reliable Coast boat landings in The finest, fastest and trade, ST. MARY, Fred Probet, C. Tromoulet, will leave an above.

A clerk be all found times on to will the cetve Levee, freight. heed For Conti or apply at board LOW MONDAY, COAST PACKET. Leaves FOR BURAB 11 A.M. INTERME. dine I freight IBERIA.

Gen, For A. further Sheldon, master, John apply at office T. Company, 26 Carondelet street..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.