Daily News from Middlesboro, Kentucky (2024)

'PAGE SIX MIDDLESBORO DAILY NEWS 1 TUESDAY, JANUARY Jackets Will Try For Cmnebaek Qame Tonpft I A A I Ufll I I A HIT: I--I, wuj. i JACKETS WILL PUT MT, LIONS IN LOCAL GYM Substitute a Will a Preliminary Game at 7 P. M. By JULIAN HOWARD W. W.

Campbell, whose Middlesboro High School Yellow Jacket baskctbaUcrs Iiuve lost three consecutive conference starts, will present revamped line-up tonighl in the local gym in an attempt to have his charges crash the column at the expense of Hie fast stepping Pine- vilie Mountain Lions. The juggled line-up will include at leasi one, and probably new Ed Terrell being ii sure shot ul center pouitlon, replacing Ted Hall, who has caught by Demon Ineligibilily; niul Johnny Sewell, of the twin Be-well! brothers forward combination', he- ing a comparatively sure bet to a forward post. Carl White will be at the other for- wird, and A and Ramsey will take the guard positions. These five boys have been working for several days, and present to the coaches, rail- oilier critics the smoothest combination Coach Campbell I lies formed from his small The boys, are not, however, good scorers, for, according to. i there isn't a boy on the squad; hit an elephant' OTtli handfull of sand but they are to work the ball "down under-llio-basket, and the law of averages is counted on to help one tyfo throws through the hoop 'lour, the blight on civi- never Dusek AT FIRST GLANCE By JULIAN HOWARD Next to Major Bowes A a the Dusek family is, "The wrestling hold tonight.

The Jackets, believing. liznlion is, judgo, a hoy is breaking that a good defense will wrestling. Not that I have sala for a poor offense, will bo any a i a grudge against, llic whom the hold has been clamped prepared-tonighl to silence the! with a i oars, writhes like a i a i in the heavy, boasted by Ihe but i an- throes of dentil. Hut, miracle of Lions, mil Iho projects ere a biggest lakes in tin: world, the victim gives a super- thc ganve i be one of the best presented in the local gym in moons. The have a lunge after so long a time, HIR i wrestling, I believe and the next thing we he has 'Several i Promise to Give Veterans Competition.

By GEORGE KIKKSEY United Staff Correspondent i New Yurie The a i rookies coming up to a i a i League this year appear to a been landed by Ihe three top teams the Cubs, 'Cardinals and Giants. Last year the Cubs came up with I two of the year's prize recruits in Phil Cavairclta, old firsl baseman, and J'mmy O'Dca, 22- ytar old Cavar elta proved a revehition to who Ihoughl tha': tirst base would bo one of the v.vak pots in Iho Clr- FOUR STELLAR PLAYERS ME SIGNED AGAIN Gehrig, Gomez, Hub bell Ready for 1936. Meeting CM Civie Leaders Is Near Riot Of Daughter (Continued from Pago One) was arose to' intro- By GEORGE KIRKSEY United Press Staff Corresponden York. Four of baseball's highest salaried players Lou Gehrig and Lefty Gomez of the Yankees, Carl Hubbell oi the Giants and Jimmy Foxx of the Hed Sox--have signed '1936 contracts. Gehrig, highest paid player outside the manager-player group, will receive $30,000.

He signed his 1980 contract early in 1936 after returning from a world tour. He demanded a 2-ycar contracl at that lime at $35,000 per had one a make good. Davey of Ohio. Basey was which he signed before vietoil of the robbery of a store- in my innocent way, is on the his down Clvili-l! Cattleman, i win, won If, panics a-icl bit pur Jul) 1033 I I PTM" proveil a a a i i lo cla "TM but was Terry Mit'ire, fleet center fielder, made guoil with the Girds in his first iii-ason. on Pnir Thir, spring the Cubn will count heavily upon Gene Lilhrd, th'rd baseman the Los Angeles Pacific Const League club, ail Gill, i from th i a i A i a A.y.sociat'o Lilian! batted.

8 last sea ron in 170 gaums. Manager i i may attempt to make hi into an i his hitting ability. Grjrnm'r. in conv: rtinp- Angle a i i i into P'" i convinced 'the Cubs manager that a nbiyers i allo'Til a tbi' majors. Tho Cubs have a first- ale thin baseman in a Hack bu "mid use another a i i on' 'ii team un with a a a-i the same Fi'ank Demaree Gill, who led th a cash award 1 possibly level, for when there -is a lillu, Again history repeats it- American Arsociatioii ih rims bat for UK ion dollars or self, and the bout goe buy their tickets at the door 'lo- victor belongs Ihe spoils.

vostgations of wrestling in the nightj will also be given chances. United States at regular intervals Only will be drawn, I But the small town where it i each year, but the; award will not be carried the fate of Ihe fans lo see 11! river week lo week if Ihe troup of wrestlers who travel over holder'of ent. The preliminary game, a Krandfnlhor's uppers, to between the substitute squads of wy nothing whatsoever of his Middlesboro and Pincville. will bo lowers. called promptly at seven o'clock main go will be call- the small town, olio of Ihe Of course, if you believe the the number is not pres- country togelher, taking turns grunl and groan racket is as pure winning, wrostlmg as phoney as the snow on the YMCA roof, make your protest but please send your letter to someone else, because I can't, read.

it What's a Did someone say ed promptly at eight oclock. Ad- wrestlers invariably gels a hold on I can't write, either. Shut up voii mission will be ten cents for stu- llis opponent that i Dusek I believe I've got somebody' fool- dents, arid twenty-five cents for couldn't break--and the of cd. adults. Have 4 Pronnects A the most promising plnv- ers who i come up from Cardinals' farm are Mike H.vha and William pilch ors, Lynn King, anil In This Corner Chicago.

George (Cry with Iho happy facjity of making The U. Freshmen basket-i th( "cus.omo'rs Into him ball squad, coached bv i a 1. Pitzer, lefl today on their an- 1 0 1 a TM mial 'three 'day road trip through 1 1 1 lU lc 1 spulliern West Virginia. They will I chainpion of tno play Sandsto le High School to-1 vorU and will uftor a 1 st 1 '1" 1 Curloy, ing the third gam: o. series mo l' Iho will act the mat fans, who have I crown I night oven become accustomed to pny- for iho privilege.

Mr. Zahai'ias, 27 years old and ls christened Theodore Vetoyania, n-eans bo moan and has prac- i loin'- at the art of making all the a i a calisthenics of Frankenstein, Dracula anil a red-faced guard Hacking another sardine on thc Seventh Avenue express. His public relations counsel pictures him as the whoso grout-' to lend i por-j Thursday night. Tho will travel in ihr- now L. M.

U. bus and i pl-iy Wednesday night in' Iho home of Ar.i:x: i i i i co-'ohod b- R-n- fivrd. L. will fiml tlio bain- I i liiv: will find the b-v i to co-iploto tlic- son'i-s. Last year eii Anile-son i I -o iri'i Saii'lstono, i to Green- i.ouis disposed of a i KetzlalT I smnsliiiiir brier Military Andcm.v.

Tin: i i leaving thorn a Kybii. who is 31, is an all-rm'nd a i played every position on 111" i a but UIP Cards will us? 'll'iTi as a He won 20 games and lor.l 8 last season i Columbus. McG-o, who wen i ami 'ort with th- Hoir-trp Te.x-s c'ub. uiMieil th- TO mo of f-r roason for th- Cnrdf. and UK Cnl-s 2-1.

allowing nnlv i who hi' f-r Hi" Houston club, is touted PS a Ir nr-siiecl than bis come- hailod thr s'uc- Ty 107 yoa- C-ibb. lie i I Wwi'eni A-s social on club, breaking CobbV reconl of HG. the 1035 season. But for this contract Gomez, who won only 12 games and lost 1B last season, tonced to prison. Several months would have to take a pay cut.

ago, Willie Parrish, now in prison I Hubbell's HlliG signed contract for a crime, confessed ho I was received yesterday by the bad committed the robhciy. The liasey a i spent morl- its home, trying to prove tin- youth innocent. Although authorities told the governor i months age thai they believed there had been a miscarriage of justice, he delayed the pardon. Sports Parade By McLEMORE Press Correspondent thai Dcland, Fla. Knowing are few men women, or children who, sometimes i their lifetimes, arc not charged 0 TM abo an elephant, I would like to pass on a very helpful bit of information I learned today.

Giants. In 10M4 Hubbell. according to official figures, was baseball's highest paid pitcher. He received $17,500 lhal year. It is believed that be drew aboul $19,000 last season, and probably was raised lo $20,000 for 1U36.

Foxx signed his 1030 contract shortly after he was traded lo Ihe Red Sox. He drew $10,066 with the Athletics last season, but made additional money from a radio broadcast. Tom Yawkey, Red Sox owner, tore up Foxx's old contracl which carried over lo and gave him a ney one believed lo call for aboul $25,000. Only a few other players outside the player-managers will be in the class. Hank Greenberg, Tigers' first baseman who last season, is talking about demanding a simply charged elephant, be it Indian, African of Ihe bellowing American G.

0. P. Republican type--be sure und shoot him between Ihe first mil second wrinkles of his trunk. Shoot him else and the nces are your friends will find youi 000 salary, based on his record of driving in 170 runs. He probably will get about $15,000, a 100 per cent increase.

"I think he Ought to be allowed llis say." the outburst, ducc the speaker, a strangf look- mg gentleman at his right, Mr a his hecklers, stammered plti- Douglass explained that was fully and did not kijoiy a disappointed that he had received a telegram yesterday si y- Mr. Douglass hpd 1 finally morning that Mr. Briese could not uie ed the break, Siy' James said i a he should be present, on account of an a.cci- he should dcnt which he suffered in Chicago raI paper ofder, to be two ilays ago: then stated safe and hfe 9 ui off that through his friend, Clarence 's. discardecrjjiB heaVy B'asses, and stood as tha Holland, of Knoxville, he had secured an English gentleman, a member of Parliament, and a director of the Bartlett Bank of England, who happened lo be passing through Knoxville on a tour of the United States, and who had really intended to visit Middlesboro, because of the English background of its establishment The man, Sir James Pierce, had consented to speak, after some reluctance, and so he was "pinch- hitting" for Mr. Briese of Chicago.

Sir James, with ominous glasses and an insipid mustache, arose to his feet and with somewhat halting co*ckney English proceeded to wander along i a apparent im- real Mr. Briese, who sajfj he had "never been 'in England, 'and that he was just a big liar Chicago." The tenseness then brojie, and clouded faces all over room were The house turiied an uproar of laughter arid kidding, and J. D. -Mullen, who had presided admitted he had swallowed the line, and sinker. George L.

Tiller, sat next to Sir James at 'the speaker's table had carried on an illuminating conversation wjth the Englishman during dinner. He asked Sir long have been in America?" and promptu address, touching; on American customs, American hu-! How lon ls that? mor, and interspersed now and then with some joke at which Americans laugh, bul which sounds lo Englishmen. He appeared somewhat ill at ease, and eom- uletely charmed his audience with his delightful English accent, which was perfect. Sir James was going good, and the close of his address he began to warm up to his subject, larticularly when he began to boast of Erittania ruling Ihe waves. Suddenly, however, he node some comparisons belween Injrland, the United States and James replied: "About oft- night." George said in 'reply: George had been completely fooled by the masquerade, and had put on in talking to the distinguished member of Parliament, Kindly and gentle W.

A. Drake, during the outbreak, "w'hispercd dolefully lo a next to him, "This is goinj to ruin. the.Cham- ber of 1 had muttered 1 a friend.as Sir James was enlarging''lip'on'jils insults lo America, stood about all I can of this." U. G. Brummett fidgeted uneasily in his chair and his was clouding with anger.

corn- Russia, which were not so comm "'er of the American Legio'lt, plimenlary to America, but his. ail1 when Mr. icarerf, took that as a matter of rourse. Then, he proceeded on a ittlc more dangerous ground. He icored the American intellectual life, paid his re- ipccts to the rot, which Americans got through protesting he was just about 'icady to rise 'up and say: "Boys, let speaker have his say, arid we will settle with him afterwards." The incident" ead, as evidenced maga-'.

stag so perfectly the and said present 'were cbmpleteiy in more'' 1 tcn in Cloa'r you holding an elephant in most uncomfortably ap ami lead. Make no mistake you itart i the wrinkles, either, start from Ihe top read to speak. If you start rrinkling from the. bottom, you'll mly hit the elephant in what crves for bis nose, instead of be- wecn his eyes. And an elephant, inlikc Max Bacr, won't drop to lis knees and start yelling for cl)i when punched in the nose.

learned about elephants, as veil as tigers, lions, gorillas, niffalocs, and from Mr. while on a q.iail hunt aturday. Buddy, in company his father and mother, has ecu i big game all over ic world for the past 10 years, -iis father is recognized as one of finest in the United TORN TO NEXT MATCH Sacramento. Cal. Golfdom's leading professionals, touring California for a series of mid-winter money tournaments, turned toward San Francisco and the national match play open championship today.

Included in the caravan of fairway nomads i Cox, Bethesda, professional, who held $700 prize money and the 1936 Sacramento open golf championship to show for a four-day campaign Cox won the tille in an 18-holc playoff match yesterday with Wild Mcihorn, Louisville, pro, on the news-stands, hat Americans should go, ih for philosophy, history, arid cul- llh ture. The references hurt a bit, and then he touched upon America's lateness in entering the War, "in order to capitalfze on the victory of the British, who already hud Germany groggy and ready for the knock-out blow." In the heat of his discussimt he treaded on still more treacherous ground, and when he "boldly depreciated the seivices of Ameuca in the World Wai Cloai who had grown ledder and feddei reporter present, who were in the deal. Apple Tea; (This idea is filched from' an-old English cook book.) Tea made by steeping, peeled and sliced tail aiomatic apples boiling watei is lefreshing and after posted identical sub-par scores of 280 for 72 holes of medal play Friday, Saturday and Sunday. States, and the fact that bis moth- and Ihen let him have it. If you er won the national trap- miss there is always consolation shooling championship is pro enough of her ability to handle firearms.

has been potting animals C. C. Ravi-alt you rind 1 only when thc cir- iiunccil last night that Kay head football coadi at vit': a of evoniiiir! a (heorelically i the a High i 11 the irade. defeats "Twins'. n'-nvlinp-'s Pov.

School lads in hi 111! i hope; of the Wost Vir- i i 1 In a vi, gjnia scries. p.iriicularly in view of Iho fad a i tbo i an- as a Dr. Curloy i.i known to bo follows: ('amain Sidney Itii Amos Ira Wilson, and Claude Sparks, forwards; HaiTcll, center; Ray Howard, i ton Bats, Fred Nantz, and Tom tlu'ii I di'sort them then-. i Xaharir.s delights in- -ludc Ihi' sniUcliing of riiin ll'o of tln-ir 0 cus comes to lown. Ever since he 10 year.i old, at the age when most are Ic.irning the the of Dan K.

1 intricacies of an air ClUfrin, athletic director, who :v.id'denly Sunday hoart attack. i on the volilt knocking over a elephants whose tusks would under.the "insults and who had dcserves a place among mid aft been muttering he dsides to noon 01 i beverages de the companions at his table arose 16( serve as eneigy pick lips to his feet and demanded loudly fhv01 ls delicate for that of Mr. Doughss that thc speaker' reaso tho best accompaniment quil his dialnbes on Ameileans be he one much used in Exhibiting fhminp- "angei Cloai 81 "'--thin bread and buttei impaled the Engli speakei with 01 osslbl Chinese nee cakes bitter words, ind Watson un cst membel of near him, tried to pull i down mil quiet Him Blakeman for your family in the knowledge that lions never take, home hunters they kill and stuff and mount them or phcc their heads over the fireplace. Buddy's father. Mr.

E. L. King of Winona. was with the a i sliool Saturday and got 20 quail, sparrows, and a butterfly. The sparrows and were mine, and were pullerl Tubby'- coat tail and wh7s pcrcd.

"Sit down Tubbj I You aic making a fool of youiself W. I. Jones National Red Gloss representative and a World Wii veteran, appeued to be mighty hot under the collai and he came to ind demanded that thc speakei end his remaiks Mr. Douglass in the meantime lose to his, feet, bangcu ineffective! with-his gavel ling the and pleaded with the to mil Sir Jamo: family can in thc ing apple tea and relaxa tion that comes from a pleasant in activities Apple Tea Peel coic and slice 3 or 4 sour cooking apples Put them in an caithenware 01 ghss pitcher pre viously rinsed with boiling water Pour ovci the slices I quart bull mg vatei -uid place on an asbostos ovei the simmerer or low he it until the apples a soft and disliked There will bo no a i i i ilire-- hattan's night Clubs, lor at Vanderbill i a i a dea i dead of the pianos in Man- shot a third covey of a i I hi night in hope that a lion would and nnr ill a blasphemy of 1-oos and snonsibility and work a i to feed, and perching in a i would now bo i tree shelter waiting for a tiger to Morris-cm. try the bait tied five feet below.

Morrison succeeded to I If you get confused in you Peoples, guards, and i a coach. THIEVriS LOOT of tin. Gole Nursery susiicctod i conscience when they bv mail and worth of postage slairps. Safe crackers had taken Hie "loot" a fow nights fore. co, preparing DannoY- nioubly a i i i wroatl: brow of 01 i i worlici 1 in i i as Kit.

I I and oven a a i Dean have bcon i i as likely candidales 1 (iood yos, i many i i i i but noiio of these won i a i i approval of tlic join-nalists. 1: i i i ballot doclnrc X.ahnrias iho now cham- I'ion, log was placed on I and bv is i coaching pest hove yoar a.2o search for the right wrinkle of i i tv i ll 11 1 1 rteupi-il down charging Buddy tol'' and his incrodibb- i 1 1 1 S1 yi of ll i me, shoot him in a leg. Ar grunt-i wbi-mvi'i- in football. elephant, it suems, needs lns a to carry hi: i alon: Thoro is no to i i not i i DOLLAR WORTH $250 Steubcnville, 0 a 1'ie fire ami a nunniiUee a i on to i Dr. Curloy of the vole.

1 would like to be among tin have to have Shai as a coni 'ot man will recommend i i.o added as a coac'i in ever capacity Kay M.HT: sires." bany, six miles away. Vo'--non (anil Ihov can run rs swiftly a a ilco- under full power) whon one is hit is just if Ihe olophant.had Ibrown out 1 anchor. If von run into a lion on your way home from work some day don't lie frightono-l, He won't bother you unless he hanpenn to Martial law was proclaimed late bo one, who has neglected to use yesterday in Floyd ii.nl Clark his toothbrush for years, and as counties by Gov. Paul V. result has such poor teolh that after pickets heat off strike break- he can't whin Iho animals with 'tuuvo-l rs (ho New A a plant.

1 constitute a lion's i from a pickets, mostly swung Unable nckol-hosiogod a on- ruhljor hose lividod i load pipo. 1 I was flushed and shot by the Kings lefoic I could gel Ihe safety catch my gun. I could have had more butterflies--I flushe 1 six coveys--but one is thc Florida limit. OUTPOSTS GET AIR A I Anchorage, mail to Kenai and i Alaska, has been mail is dropped fro-'i the air il Ihcse points. From there it is 'lhpi(ched to nearby i i by dog teams.

he teai fully explained SUN, I START FIRE ii was.iii decrees above zero, thc sun and a bottli! of "firewater" blaze in a i The fire department's report said the cimio through a window, concentrated on a whiskey hotlle and sot own normal faro. to lick nnyllriiig near his weight, the lion with the Visit PINNACLE r.jirdnn -nf r. DEPOT 108I9fH STREET TOR AM Pineville 4 I Ctimber.infl VVhitesburg Hazard Bai-rjourville 4:15 Corbin 4:15 f.ouisville Cincinnnti ..4:15 Chicafro 4:15 Tnzcwcll Knoxville ...7:10 Atlanta AM AM 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 10:40 10:40 8:00 8:00 8100 8:00 8:00 9:20 0:.20 9:20 AM AM AM 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 2:45 2:45 PM 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 5:20 5:20 1 PM 3:40 3:40 3:40 7'i40 7:40 7:40 7:40. 7:40 7:40 7:40 5:20 6i20 PM.

Daily News from Middlesboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.