Broly VS Jiren. | Fandom (2025)


MonzyMonz·2/12/2019in General

Broly VS Jiren.

Both of these characters prove to be powerful, but which one is stronger? I honestly think that Broly takes the win, he tanked a full power punch from SSG Vegeta, while Jiren had to use his fingers in order to fight SSG Goku (who is stronger), not just that, he grows stronger as he fights, eventully he will adapt to Jirens attacks and clobber him. What do you think?

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Broly (DBS)Jiren

Weedle McHairybug·3/21/2019

Shin the science guy wrote:He healed goku against a Jiren that was holding back by alot(he did not even power up). How would he even know about his full power If a couple of episodes later Jiren .

what how does master roshi blowing up the moon once(he only did it once). have anything to do with hype?

Him stating Broly could not be stopped just proves he is unreliable and it was contradicted seconds after (whis did not even get hit by broly) so no it implies nothing at all

1. As ChromeX pointed out, Android 17 and Frieza planned to hide (fake his demise in the former's case) in order to wait out the time limit to have Universe 7 win. That would require Frieza to be conscious. You can't "hide" if you're unconscious. And even IF he were indeed unconscious, that doesn't mean he can't sense power levels in that state. Goku also followed Frieza's fights against Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, and Vegeta while unconscious and recovering his energy in that bacta solution.

2. Fine, I stand corrected. That still doesn't change anything especially when Frieza's big claim to fame is his blowing up planets, which even the likes of Master Roshi, who at least in Z was far outclassed by the opposition, was capable of doing (not to mention Vegeta and Nappa clearly were capable of blowing planets to bits based on the Saiyans backstories and even their blowing up Arlia). By your logic, Frieza was overhyped in the Namek Saga.

3. You are aware that Super's been particularly bad about power consistency, right? Like, for example, Master Roshi managing to fight off and defeat several of Frieza's forces despite the fact that he was supposed to have been far outclassed by that time by them? Heck, even Z hasn't exactly been the most consistent regarding this bit (case in point: Cell mentioned that he survived his self-destruction due to his head remaining intact in the Japanese anime as well as the manga, and that was despite Cell surviving and regenerating against Goku's Warp Kamehameha obliterating the entire top half of his body, head included).

(Edited by Weedle McHairybug)


Whom do you think writes the anime? Certainly not Toriyama or Toyotaro so if thats an issue then we should only be going off of the manga.

Assuming we are using official DB Media, the novel puts Broly as stronger than Jiren along with the statement of Saikyo Jump and with the fact that UI Goku was only possibly stronger than Beerus as well. In short Broly>Jiren.

(Edited by Chrome0X)


Lmao you are ignoring the statements directly made about Jiren then, the skytree expo says he is stronger than the GoD's, the word being Gods here, not God. Jiren is still the strongest mortal in the multiverse.

(Edited by BloodOfTheArchon)


And you’re ignoring the Saikyo Jump statement saying Broly is the strongest enemy they’ve faced up until this point. That includes Jiren.

(Edited by Chrome0X)


Weedle McHairybug·3/21/2019

FlatZone wrote:Lmao you are ignoring the statements directly made about Jiren then, the skytree expo says he is stronger than the GoD's, the word being Gods here, not God. Jiren is still the strongest mortal in the multiverse.

Yeah, well, you're ignoring statements made directly about Broly then with Saikyo Jump and the novel, as they made it pretty clear he was stronger than them as well, possibly even Jiren. And quite frankly, if you're going to claim that the statements about Broly are hype, then what's to say that the statements about Jiren aren't hype. After all, technically, we don't see Jiren actually murder the GODs, so by your logic, even the claim that he's stronger than the GODs is hype. Besides, you ARE aware that the Tournament of Power implied that Frieza was outright MANIPULATING the GODs, right? By that same token, even Frieza was stronger than them. Either acknowledge ALL the evidence, or don't even bother arguing. And what's the difference between Saikyo Jump and Skytree Expo? Last I checked, both are promotional stuff that you told us to ignore due to "hype."

(Edited by Weedle McHairybug)


That came before the Skytree expo. But lets stick with your original argument that you keep abandoning when it suits you. In the series in the anime, Jiren is stronger than Beerus, no questions about it going by Whis and by evidence in the episodes that were brought up. In the movie itself Goku says that Broly is only "maybe stronger than Beerus" If we go by statements then Jiren IS stronger than the 12 GoDs. More sources for Jiren, less for Broly. In the manga and anime, or by statements. Broly is number 2 mortal in the multiverse.

(Edited by BloodOfTheArchon)


I discuss with whatever point you make, if it’s changed you changed it. Like just now.

So why don’t I make my discussion points clear:

Saikyo Jump States Broly as the strongest enemy, this includes Jiren.

The novel states he could not be defeated by any being at that time.

Jiren lost to someone only possibly stronger than Beerus

Broly is stronger than Jiren

(Edited by Chrome0X)

Weedle McHairybug·3/21/2019

FlatZone wrote:That came before the Skytree expo. But lets stick with your original argument that you keep abandoning when it suits you. In the series in the anime, Jiren is stronger than Beerus, no questions about it going by Whis and by evidence in the episodes that were brought up. In the movie itself Goku says that Broly is only "maybe stronger than Beerus" If we go by statements then Jiren IS stronger than the 12 GoDs. More sources for Jiren, less for Broly. In the manga and anime, or by statements. Broly is number 2 mortal in the multiverse.

If we go by statements, Broly ALSO is stronger than the 12 GoDs (remember, it doesn't specify WHICH GoDs he's stronger than, which implies all of them. I know that if I were them and I didn't specify which one, I'd effectively mean all of them when I say "a God of Destruction." Only specifics actually matter regarding individual strength. They should have stuck with "stronger than Beerus", that would have sufficed, and would have given actual specifics, which again are the only things that actually matter in gauging individual strength.), and Frieza himself made it very clear Broly was stronger than everything in existence (heck, not just Frieza himself, but the actual narrator. So unless you want to claim the narrator, the guy who tells the story, is a grade A idiot, I suggest you stop).

And you STILL haven't acknowledged how Skytree expo is different than Saikyo Jump.

(Edited by Weedle McHairybug)


Shin the science guy·3/21/2019

1 i dont remember anything about them biding their time(17 was suprised he was alive when he resurfaced so he definetly did not) also goku was not unconsoius during the healing . you can hear him talking to himself in his mind.having his eyes closed while healing does not equal being unconscious so what you just said makes no sense

2freiza claim to fame was his humungous power level not his blowing up planets. master roshi could not blow up a planet at all during z( a moon is like 81 times smaller than the earth with mass and 6 times smaller in daimeter) . how does my logic play into that is a mystery

3 Cell inconsistency their is irrelevant. and what are you trying to say Broly is stronger than whis? master roshi was no match for the elite soldiers he just foughta bunch of weaker ones

(Edited by Shin the science guy)


Skytree Expo came later with more recent information, that's how. Why don't you go to the pages and read the sources instead of just spouting words. Or do I need to yet again do all the research and post all the sources and images for you people as usual.

(Edited by BloodOfTheArchon)

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Broly VS Jiren. | Fandom (2025)
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