[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.8, TETRIX 2.24 SIMPLEX 1.34 (2024)

The AngleCan QUARTIX TechTree 3.8is now available. A new TechTree designed for a limited number of mods!

DOWNLOAD QUARTIX TechTree from SpaceDock


[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.8, TETRIX 2.24 SIMPLEX 1.34 (1)

Details and Mods support for QUARTIX


The Tech Tree is divided into four branches, each with four strands.

Each branch is nine tiers long. Four tiers before the R&D Building upgrade, three before the second.

Tiers and Sizes

Tier 1 - 5 science - size 0 tanks (0.675m)
Tier 2 - 15 Science - size 1 tanks (1.25m)
Tier 3 - 30Science - size 1.5 shorter tanks (1.875m)
Tier 4 - 60Science - size 1.5 longer tanks (1.875m)

R&D Upgrade Required
Tier 5 - 120 Science - size 2 shorter tanks (2.5m), Mk2 Systems
Tier 6 - 240 Science - size 2 longer tanks (2.5m)
Tier 7 - 480 Science - size 3 smaller tanks (3.75m), Mk3 systems

R&D Upgrade Required
Tier 8 - 960Science -size 3 longer tanks (3.75m)
Tier 9 - 1920 Science -size 4 rocket systemparts (5.0m)

LIMITED Modsupport included (not supporting the mods, just included a patch to balance in the tree)


  • SIMPLEX Assembly
  • SIMPLEX Colonies
  • SIMPLEX Propulsion
  • SIMPLEX Resources
  • SIMPLEX StationParts
  • SIMPLEX StationPartsHabs
  • ReStock+
  • Kerbalism and KerbalismSimplex
  • Moldavite Machines
  • HullcamVDS
  • ScanSat
    Extraplanetary Launchpads
    SIMPLEX Assembly Plus
  • Keridian Dynamics
  • WaterDrinker
    Stockalike Mining Expansion


  • Benjee10_stowaway
  • EVA Fuel Transfer
  • ExtraDockingPorts
  • Grounded
  • JX2 Antenna


  • SNACKS! (Instead of Kerbalism)

The AngleCan TETRIX TechTree 2.24is now available. Featuring support for, Near Future and Far Future mods, Restock, KSPIE, Kerbalism, and many many more!

DOWNLOAD TETRIX TechTree from SpaceDock


[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.8, TETRIX 2.24 SIMPLEX 1.34 (2)

Supported mods with part upgrades show additional 'upgrade' nodes requiring further science points to unlock. These will only appear when the supported mods are installed. Supported for upgrades: Kerbalism and KSPIE.

[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.8, TETRIX 2.24 SIMPLEX 1.34 (3)

Details and Mods support for TETRIX


From 2.8 the Avionics Nose Cone is available at the Start node, and has a part upgrade to add the SAS functionality later in the tech tree. It also includes an experiment to assist in getting through to the first tier of experiments.

The Tech Tree is divided into five branches, each with two or three strands.

Each branch is nine tiers long. Each upgrade level of the R&D Building enables three strands. Each tier doubles the cost of nodes.

Tiers and Sizes

Tier 1 - 15 Science - initial size 1 rocket systemparts (1.25m)
Tier 2 - 30Science - size 1 rocket system parts (1.25m)
Tier 3 - 60Science - size 1.5 rocket system parts (1.85m) andadvanced rcs system

R&D Upgrade Required
Tier 4 - 120 Science - size 2 rocket systemparts (2.5m)
Tier 5 - 240 Science - size 3 rocket systemparts (3.75m) and Mk3 spaceplane parts
Tier 6 - 480 Science - size 4 rocket systemparts (5.0m) and Mk2spaceplane parts

R&D Upgrade Required
Tier 7 - 960Science - size 5rocket system parts (7.5m)
Tier 8 - 1920 Science - OPT, MkIV,Mk-33 spaceplane parts, fusion engines
Tier 9 - 3840 Science - Warpdrive

Modsupport included (not supporting the mods, just included a patch to balance in the techtree!):

  • Breaking Ground
  • Making History
  • ReStock+
  • Ablative-Airbrake - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • Airline Kuisine
  • AirPlane Plus
  • AmpYear
  • B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings
  • Baha EPL Redrilled
  • BahaSP Critter Crawler, Engines
  • Better SRBS
  • Bluedog Design Bureau (BDB)
  • Blueshift: Kerbal FTL
  • Bumblebee - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • CryoEngines
  • CryoEngines Extensions - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • CryoTanks
  • Coatl Aerospace Probes Plus
  • Deadly Reentry
  • DecouplerShroud
  • DeepFreeze
  • DeepSky
  • DeployableBatteries
  • DMagicOrbitalScience
  • Dock Rotate
  • EVA Fuel Transfer
  • ExtraDockingPorts
  • Extraplanetary Launchpads
  • Far Future Technologies
  • Firespitter
  • Flat-Bottom Shuttle Systems
  • Flexible Docking
  • GroundConstruction
  • Grounded
  • H.A.D.D
  • Hephaistos
  • HabTech2
  • Heat Control - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • HullCamVDS
  • Indicator Lights
  • Integrated Phoenix Industries
  • IXS Enterprise
  • JX2 Telescope
  • Kerbal Atomics
  • Kerbal Attachment System
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux
  • Kerbal Foundries
  • Kerbal Heavy Exoskeleton Kit (KHSK)
  • Kerbal Inventory System
  • Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
  • Kerbal Reusability Expansion - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • Kerbalism
  • KerbalismConfig
  • KerbalismSimplex
  • Keridian Dynamics
  • kOS
  • Lithobrake Exploration Technologies
  • MacLuky LanderCanMK12
  • MechJeb2
  • Mining Expansion
  • Missing History Config - originally supplied by @Cruesoe. Thank you!
  • Missing Robotics - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts
  • Modular Pods
  • Modular Segmented SRBs
  • MSP3000
  • Near Future Aeronautics - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • Near Future Construction
  • Near Future Electrical
  • Near Future Launch Vehicles
  • Near Future Propulsion
  • Near Future Solar
  • Near Future Spacecraft
  • NearFuture Exploration
  • OPT
  • PEBKAC Industries: Launch Escape System
  • photonCorp
  • Planetside Exploration Technologies
  • Procedural Fairings
  • Procedural Parts
  • Procedural Test Weights
  • Progressive Colonization System
  • Rational Resources
  • RealChute Parachute Systems
  • Recycled Parts (Space Tux Industries)
  • reDirect
  • ResearchBodies
  • ReStockRigidLandingLegs
  • RLA Reborn
  • Rocket Motor Menagerie
  • ScanSat
  • ScienceLabInfo (Large 6 creww Lab on stock)
  • Simple Adjustable Fairings - KWRocketry
  • SIMPLEX Assembly
  • SIMPLEX Colonies
  • SIMPLEX Resources
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts
  • SIMPLEX Station Habs
  • Smart Parts
  • Snacks!
  • Sounding Rockets
  • Space Docks
  • SpaceDust
  • SpaceY-Expanded
  • SpaceY-Lifters
  • Stockalike Station Parts Redux
  • Structural Tubing Restructured
  • Supplementary Electric Engines - originally supplied by @SpudNutimus. Thank you!
  • SXT
  • SystemHeat
  • TAC Self Destruct
  • Tarsier Space Technology With Galaxies
  • Tracking Lights
  • Tokamak
  • Universal Storage II
  • USIMods
  • Vapor Vent
  • Ventral Drill for Stock ISRU
  • WaterDrinker

The AngleCan SIMPLEX TechTree 1.34is now available. Suitable for lightly modded saves. All nodes utilised with Kerbalism and ReStockPlus!

DOWNLOAD SIMPLEX TechTree from SpaceDock


Notethat this is with icons prior to 2.14

[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.8, TETRIX 2.24 SIMPLEX 1.34 (4)

Details and Mods support for SIMPLEX


All nodes are based on Stock, with three exceptions, and around half the parts have been moved for balance. Making History and Breaking Groundare supported. Additional mods have been supported over time.

It is possible to play non-crewed before crew (unmanned before manned).

The AngleCan SIMPLEXTechTree 1.29is divided into five branches, each with two strands.

If you want a lightly modded save, ReStockPlus on its own will ensure every node except the final crewed node (bottom right) will have parts within it. Kerbalism will fill this final node.

DOWNLOAD from SpaceDock

CHANGELOG 1.34 27 June 2024

  • Addedvarious parts for the SIMPLEX Mod Suite

CHANGELOG 1.33 9November2023 Thank you @SpudNutimus

  • AddedAblative Airbrake
  • Added Missing Robotics
  • Added Supplementary Electric Engines

CHANGELOG 1.3229 August 2023

  • Added SIMPLEX Station Parts, inline parachutes
  • Added WaterDrinker
  • Fixed a wayward FOR patch

CHANGELOG 1.30 23June 2023

  • Added SIMPLEX Station Parts
  • Tweaked location of 1.875m engines in Making History and ReStockPlus

CHANGELOG 1.28 & 1.29 November2022

  • Added Kerbalism Simplex TinyISRU
  • Added HullCamVDS DC parts
  • Added future KD-SimplexColonies-oasis part
  • Added new nuclear reactors for SIMPLEXResources
  • Fixed SIMPLEX Assembly
  • Added SIMPLEX Propulsion
  • Added Moldavite Machines

CHANGELOG 1.2710 March 2022

  • Added ExtraDockingPorts mod

CHANGELOG 1.26 05 December2021

  • 1.26
    Fixed Simplex Propulsion upgrades showing when they shouldn't
    Fixed weird connection in the areodynamics branch
    Moved HullCameraVDS and SSPX telescopes
    Techtree alters itself when HullCam is installed

CHANGELOG 1.2525 September 2021

  • 1.25
    Added a bunch of new mods in line with many additions to TETRIX
    Removed the Engine nerf

CHANGELOG 1.1912 July 2021

  • 1.19
    Added stock fireworks
    Added new ksp 1.12 solar panels
    Moved gigantor solar panel
    AddedKerbalism Simplex medium Container

CHANGELOG 1.1823 May 2021

  • 1.18
    Added Planetside Exploration Technologies
    Added Kerbalism Simplex Containers
    adds in the avionics science experiment, moving the avionics nosecone to Start and making SAS an upgrade

CHANGELOG 1.1721December 2020

  • 1.17
    Updated to Included KSP 1.10and KSP 1.11 Parts
    Moved Cargo Containers to stock listing (internal only)
    1.25 Battery moves earlier in ReStockPlus is installed

CHANGELOG 1.1617June 2020

  • 1.16
    Updated ScanSat

CHANGELOG 1.1525 May 2020

  • 1.15
    Added Kerbal Attachment System and Kerbal Inventory System
    Moved smallest wing, elevon, to stability
    Moved advance canard to specialized Control
    Adjusted ReStockPlus science box to basicScience

CHANGELOG 1.12,1.13,1.1418 May 2020

  • 1.14
    Moved Making History 5m parts to tier 6
    Moved smallest wing, elevon, and fixed gears to engineering 101
    Updated to latest ReStock+
    Added Near Future Launch Vehicles
    5m tanks now at tier 6 (not last tier)

  • 1.13
    Moved the Station Hub back a tier in line with where I have the same in SSPX and after testing balance in a stock career.
    Added the ReStockPlus static ladders
    Fixed an incorrect tech reference for a USI Konstruction Port. Thanks @jost for sorting that!
  • 1.12
    New Drain Value, Mainsail and Skipper name changes in KSP 1.9
    New Kerbalism Tanks Added in Kerbalism 3.6+,
    MacLuky LanderCanMK12 added


  • New Node layout, hence the breaking of saves.
  • Three additional nodes added - ISRU, Endurance Flight, Heavier Aerodynamics
  • Support added for KerbalismSimplex, KerbalismConfig, SimplexPropulsion with specialist upgrade nodes.
  • Support added for Near Future Exploration
  • Landing legs are now in construction, not landing for probe only careers,
  • Payload and cargo bays are mixed with wings and fairings in an aerodynamics strand.
  • Swapped Mk3 and Mk2 space plane tiers. Mk3 now Tier 5, Mk2 now Tier 6
  • Engine nerf (for slightly more realistic launch profiles, more likely to need two stage to orbit) is disabled with JNSQ.

CHANGELOG 1.1030December 2019

  • Various Squad and ReStock updates
  • SCANsat is added

Tree Branches and Strands

1. Propulsion
* Atmospheric Propulsion
* Rocket Propulsion leading to Small Propulsion

2. Electrics
* Power generation and storage
* Aerodynamics (wings, cones)

3. Engineering
* Flight Control(SAS, RCS etc) leading to Actuators
* Construction, docking, landing legs etc

4. Aerodynamics
* Tank Storage
* Wings, fairings, cargo boys etc.

5. Crewed
* Landing and Science
* Command

Tiers and Sizes

Tier 1 - 15 Science - basic size 1 rocket systems parts (1.25m)
Tier 2 - 45 Science - remainder size 1 rocket system parts (1.25m)
Tier 3 - 90 Science - advanced rcs systems and with Making History expansion size 1.5 rocket system parts (1.85m)
Tier 4 - 160 Science - heavy size 2 rocket systems parts (2.5m)
Tier 5 - 300 Science - large size 3 rocket systems parts (3.75m) and Mk2 spaceplane parts
Tier 6 - 550 Science - Mk3 spaceplane parts, xenon storage and with Making History expansion size 4 rocket systems parts (5m)
Tier 7 - 1000 Science - Future proofing!

Recommended Mods to play with:

Kerbalism and AngleCan Simplex
KEI (for Science around the KSC)
To play with 50% science settings

Modsupport included (not supporting the mods, just included a patch to balance in the techtree!):

  • Breaking Ground
  • Making History
  • Missing History
  • ReStock+
  • Airline Kuisine
  • AirPlane Plus
  • B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings
  • Baha EPL Redrilled
  • DeepSky
  • Dock Rotate
  • EVA Fuel Transfer
  • ExtraDockingPorts
  • ExtraPlanetary Launchpads
  • Firespitter
  • Flat-Bottom Shuttle Systems
  • Integrated Phoenix Industries
  • Interstellar Flight Inc. Life Support
  • HabTech2
  • H.A.D.D.
  • HullcamVDS
  • Kerbal Attachment System - 1.15 added
  • Kerbal Heavy Exoskeleton Kit
  • Kerbal Inventory System - 1.15 added
  • Kerbalism
  • Keridian Dynamics
  • kOS
  • MacLuky LandercanMk12
  • Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts
  • Near Future Construction
  • Near Future Exploration
  • Near Future Electrical
  • Near Future Propulsion
  • Near Future Solar
  • Near Future Spacecraft
  • Planetside Exploration Technologies
  • Procedural Fairings
  • Procedural Parts
  • Research Bodies
  • RealChute Parachute Systems
  • SIMPLEX Resources
  • SIMPLEX Assembly
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts
  • SCANsat
  • ScienceLabInfo
  • Sounding Rockets
  • Snacks
  • SSPX (redux)
  • Stockalike Mining Expansion
  • Tokamak
  • Tracking Lights
  • Universal Storage II
  • USI Konstruction
  • Ventral Drill for Stock ISRU
  • WaterDrinker

Currently supported mods will continue to be supported and updated for 1.10+.

Requires Module Manager (not included).

Licence is as for HPTech Tree = CC-BY-NC-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Known possible issues:

Do not use with other TechTrees. CTT, ETT, HPTechTree, etc. It will cause all sorts of problems. Also, only have SIMPLEX ORTETRIX OR QUARTIX installed.
Finally, the SIMPLEX or TETRIX or QUARTIX must be installed inside the AngleCanMods folder.


Edited by theJesuit

[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.8, TETRIX 2.24 SIMPLEX 1.34 (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.